Problems with the air conditioning/heating in the Opel Zafira 2011: experience and solutions wanted
Insufficient Cooling/Heating
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Sers, thanks for your reply! My Zafira already has a few kilometers on the clock, 196287 km to be exact. The last inspection was about three months ago - so relatively recent. Everything was found to be OK then, but it's really strange that the heating and air conditioning are now going haywire.
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem! Nothing is more annoying than unexpected problems with your car. A car with so many kilometers can have the odd defect. Your inspection may have been recent, but unfortunately problems can occur at any time. It could well be that your electric auxiliary heater or the climate control system has a fault, especially if you notice that the heating and air conditioning are no longer working properly. However, I can only recommend that you visit a workshop again, perhaps even one directly from Opel. They can usually locate the problem much more precisely. The repair may cost a little money (mine cost 350 euros at the time), but hopefully you'll have a fully functioning vehicle again. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
(Translated from German)
Hi again, thanks for your advice! Unfortunately, that sounds like an unexpected expense, but I can also see that the best thing to do is to have the problem fixed by a specialist garage as soon as possible. I'll make an appointment at my Opel garage and hope that it goes like yours and everything works as normal again. I'll let you know as soon as I know more. Thanks again and have a nice day!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2009 Opel Corsa. I have little experience with cars, but I contacted my local garage. They diagnosed the problem and found that the electric auxiliary heater was faulty. The repair cost me 350.0 euros, but everything worked perfectly again afterwards. Could you perhaps tell us a bit more about your car? Approximately how many kilometers does it have on the clock and when did you last have the car serviced? Every detail helps to give you better advice.
(Translated from German)