Problems with overheating and engine indicator light on 2008 Polo petrol engine: suspected defective coolant pump
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Thanks for the tip! Well, the last service on my Polo was only done 123481 km ago and after that there were no further problems. However, now the temperature is always showing high, and then when I check on the engine, it's hotter than usual, even though I haven't driven that far. And the check engine light stays on all the time. I'm just afraid that this will cause engine damage if I leave it like this. What do you think?
(Translated from German)
Hey, your Polo is really getting you into trouble, isn't it? If you say the temperature is reading high and the engine is hotter than usual, then that definitely points to an overheating problem. This could be related to the coolant pump, as I said before, but it could also be the thermostat, radiator or water pump. The check engine light usually indicates a problem with engine performance, which could very well be related to an overheating problem. I would definitely advise you to take it to the garage as soon as possible before any serious damage is done. It also helps if you provide the garage with as much detail as possible - this can help diagnose and resolve the problem. Stay calm and let us know what the garage says!
(Translated from German)
Thanks for your helpful advice, my worry is growing quite a bit! I will follow your advice and take my car to the garage as soon as possible. Maybe I should just go the whole hog and ask for a check of the entire cooling system. I hope that solves the problem. I'll take the tip with the precise details to heart and tell the mechanic everything I've noticed. It will certainly make things easier for all of us. I'll keep you posted on what the garage says.
(Translated from German)
Hello, I had a similar problem with my VW Golf (built in 2006). I must admit that I have little experience with cars, but I had a good garage that was very helpful. They discovered that the cable on the pump/control unit was faulty and repaired it for me. I paid 95 euros for that. It could well be that you have the same problem. Can you perhaps provide more information about your vehicle and the specific problem? Then I might be able to help you better.
(Translated from German)