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Problems with Opel Omega (2003, diesel): Check engine light, loss of power and black smoke

Unsteady engine


Jerking on acceleration


Loss of engine power


Stalling while idling


Check engine light on


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration

Hello folks! I need your help with my Opel Omega (built in 2003, diesel). The check engine light is on, the engine power is lower than normal and it twitches when accelerating. Sometimes it even stalls at idle and emits black smoke from the exhaust when accelerating. Could this be due to a deviation in the engine's intake volume? Have you had similar experiences and how did your garage solve the problem? I would be grateful for any tips!

(Translated from German)

4 comment(s)


Hi, I had a similar problem with my Opel Vectra (built in 2001, diesel). I don't know much about cars, but I had the same problem as you - "intake system leaking". I then went to my regular garage and they did a thorough inspection. They sealed the intake system and cleaned everything. It has to be said, it wasn't exactly cheap; I paid around 425 euros for it. But since then my Vectra has been in top shape again and runs like a champ! Can you provide more information about your vehicle? Maybe then I can help you in more detail!

(Translated from German)

Frosty (Author)

Hey, thanks for your answer! My Omega now has almost 159,000 km on the clock and had its last inspection about 10,000 km ago. I had everything checked back then, but this problem was not visible. Maybe it really is the intake system. But I'm also afraid that it could be expensive. It will be better if I fix it now before more damage is done. Thanks for your help!

(Translated from German)


Don't worry, I think 160,000 km is still perfectly acceptable for an Opel Omega. I can understand your anger, especially after an inspection you don't really want to have such problems. But as is often the case, some things only become apparent later. In my case, it was definitely the intake system. But I can only advise you to go to the workshop as soon as possible. Even if it's expensive, think about the alternative. If the engine breaks down completely, it will be really expensive. Another tip on the side: Ask the garage to explain to you exactly what is being done and get an estimate for any expensive repairs. Then you'll be on the safe side. All the best for you and your Opel!

(Translated from German)

Frosty (Author)

Hi, thanks for the advice and reassurance. Yes, I also think I shouldn't hesitate and have it repaired as soon as possible. The last thing I need now is a completely broken engine. Your tip about the estimate is a great idea, I wouldn't have thought of it. Thanks again for your valuable tips! Keep your fingers crossed for me and my little Opel.

(Translated from German)

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