Problems with Ford Everest 2018: automatic shutdown, faulty ABS, flickering lights and weak battery
Weak battery when starting the engine
ABS/DSC system is not working
Engine shuts off by itself
Dim or flickering lights
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your quick reply! I last serviced my Everest at 60954 km and there were no repairs worth mentioning. A general inspection was carried out and that's actually all. No, I haven't had the vehicle scanned yet. But I'll definitely keep the tip about the engine control unit in mind and bring it up with the garage next time. 1000 € is a lot of money, but if it solves the problem, then it's worth it. Many thanks for your helpful words!
(Translated from German)
No problem, always welcome! I had this experience myself with my Ford Ranger and know how annoying it can be. So it could well be the engine control unit - that helped me too. The fact that you haven't scanned your car yet is also important information. I would suggest you do that. It may be that the scan reveals any faults that could explain the whole thing. Maybe we'll be lucky and it'll turn out to be just the generator - then you'd be in for under €1000. And if not, don't worry, it's annoying, but if the problem is solved, it's worth the money. Keep me posted on how it turns out!
(Translated from German)
Many thanks for the advice! I think the scanning is a good first step to better isolate the problem. I will definitely have this done at the next workshop visit and hope that this will give me more information. I already have the €1000 in the back of my mind - although of course I hope it won't be that expensive. Your experience was really helpful and I feel a bit more confident. I'll definitely keep you posted on how things progress. Thank you again for your help!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I'm not an expert, I would classify myself more at the "some experience" level, but I had a similar problem with my 2016 Ford Ranger, which is a different model of the same brand. After a few visits to my garage and after much discussion, it turned out that the fault was with the "engine control unit". The repair cost me around €1000 and since then everything has been running smoothly again. To be able to help you better, a little more information would be helpful. What has been done to your car so far? Has the vehicle ever been scanned? Have they given any fault codes that might indicate what the problem is? Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)