Problems with Citroen C3: Check engine light, reduced engine performance, failed DPF regeneration
Loss of engine power
Fault stored
Check engine light on
DPF regeneration failure
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the details. My C4 had around 80,000 km on the clock when I had the same problem. After the DPF was renewed, I no longer had a check engine light or any problems with loss of engine power. With DPF regeneration, it is extremely important that the process is carried out correctly, otherwise it can be more expensive in the long run. If your Citroen also has a similar problem, I would recommend that you get this checked soon. It's always better to make sure everything is in order, especially if you drive often. Hope this helps!
(Translated from German)
TommyFisch (Author)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2014 Citroen C4. I would classify my car knowledge as average. After a few troubleshooting sessions at my garage, it was found that the DPF was severely overcharged. We cleaned and replaced it, and it cost me 1325 euros. Can you please provide the exact vehicle details? Then I might be able to tell you more. I hope that helps you.
(Translated from German)