Problems with BMW 3 Series 2002 petrol engine: Engine indicator light, loss of power and suspected defective Valvetronic system
Unsteady engine
Weird engine noise
Poor fuel economy
Jerking on acceleration
Loss of engine power
Valve adjustment noise
Metal shavings in oil
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
14 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your quick reply! So my 3 beamer was last serviced at 184912 km. I hope this can help with troubleshooting. But based on your experience, it seems like I definitely need to get a professional opinion from a garage. Thanks for sharing your costs, that gives me an idea of what to expect. Maybe others have had similar experiences?
(Translated from German)
Best Answer
Moin, no problem, that's what a forum is for, to help each other. Yes, your mileage is also an important aspect. As the components in your engine wear out over time, certain problems can occur. Of course, it's always good to involve a workshop, as they have the most accurate diagnostic tools and experience. But back to your problem. In my case, it was the power supply faults on the Valvetronic servomotor, as I've already mentioned. But it could also be that the servomotor itself is worn or the timing chain has come loose. Both can lead to the problems you have described. However, it could also be something else, e.g. a dirty throttle valve or a defective lambda sensor, especially in older vehicles like yours. Of course, this is pure speculation based on my experience and you should definitely visit a garage to find the exact problem. I hope that gave you some more insight. Let us know what the guys at the garage find! All the best for the repair!
(Translated from German)
Hi, that's a really helpful answer. I hadn't thought about the timing chain or throttle body. But you're right, it really could be anything, especially on older cars. I think I'll make an appointment at my garage next week. I'll keep you posted on what comes out of it. Thanks again for your help!
(Translated from German)
Hello, I'm getting a bit lost. Since March/April, I've had recurring problems with the engine in my E90 (318i, year 2006). It manifests itself by the engine jerking when starting when warm, running out of round and stalling when first accelerating. Error memory read out. Valvetronic, power limitation servomotor. I replaced this in the summer, including the ignition coil and spark plugs. Then it was quiet for a while. Now the error is coming back with the same symptoms. I don't know what to do.
(Translated from German)
Hello, I'm getting a bit lost. Since March/April, I've had recurring problems with the engine in my E90 (318i, year 2006). It manifests itself by the engine jerking when starting when warm, running out of round and stalling when first accelerating. Error memory read out. Valvetronic, power limitation servomotor. I replaced this in the summer, including the ignition coil and spark plugs. Then it was quiet for a while. Now the error is coming back with the same symptoms. I don't know what to do.
It sounds like you've already done some good troubleshooting. However, if the problem persists after replacing the servomotor, ignition coil, and spark plugs, it might be worth checking the wiring and connections to these components. A loose or corroded connection could cause intermittent issues like you're experiencing. If everything looks good there, it might be a more complex issue with the engine control module or another component. I would recommend taking it to a professional mechanic for a thorough diagnosis. Please keep us updated on your progress. Do you have any other questions?
Hello, I always get an error at valvetronic servomotor motor and sporadic current fluctuations at valvetronic servomotor. The servomotor was changed 5000 km ago. After that, the error was okay and is now back.
Hi Marius12314, if the servomotor was replaced recently and the error has returned, it could be an issue with the electrical connections or the control module. I would suggest checking the wiring for any signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections. If everything seems fine, it might be a good idea to have the control module checked by a professional. This is a more complex issue that requires specialized equipment to diagnose. Please let us know how it goes and if you have any other questions.
Hello, I have the error code 002A6F dme:Valvetronic,minimum stroke exceeded the exhaust also stinks thanks for your answer
Hi BurakK, the error code 002A6F indicates that the Valvetronic system in your car is not able to adjust the valve lift as it should. This could be due to a worn or damaged servomotor, a problem with the eccentric shaft or its sensor, or even a software issue. The smell from the exhaust could be due to unburned fuel, which might be a result of the Valvetronic issue. I would recommend having a professional mechanic inspect your vehicle to accurately diagnose and fix the problem. This is a safety-relevant issue, so it's important to have it checked as soon as possible. Please keep us updated on your progress. Do you have any other questions?
Hello, first of all. I had a similar problem with my 2004 BMW 5 Series. I am not a car mechanic, but I would think I have some experience with cars. I took my car to the nearest garage. Power supply faults on the Valvetronic actuator motor were the main reason for my problems. They replaced the servomotor, which cost a total of 455 euros. But before I go any further, could you give me some more details about your vehicle? Both model and engine type would help. I could then help you with this information. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)