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Problems with Audi A6 Diesel model year 2004: Black smoke, loss of power and high fuel consumption

Whistling noise


Check engine light on


Loss of engine power


Loud hissing on acceleration


Strong exhaust smell


Poor fuel economy


Jerking on acceleration


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration

Hey guys, I've got a few problems with my Audi A6 Diesel (built in 2004). The following happens: Black smoke when accelerating, engine light comes on, loss of power, jerking when accelerating, loud hissing when accelerating, increased fuel consumption, strong exhaust smell and whistling noises. Could this possibly be due to the charge air temperature sensor? Have any of you had similar experiences and can give me tips on how to rectify the problem? I am particularly interested in how you solved this in the workshop and what your experiences have been. Thanks in advance!

(Translated from German)

4 comment(s)


Hey, I once had almost the same problem with my Audi A4 Diesel (built in 2006). I'm not a car expert, but I have a bit of experience in this matter. So I spent the evening at my garage and dragged the thing there. They replaced the charge air temperature sensor because it was defective. The repair cost me 165 euros, but afterwards the car ran like new again! What size engine do you have? Maybe there's more info I can give you. Otherwise, good luck, dude!

(Translated from German)

SvenHart (Author)

Hey, thanks for the quick reply and the info! My A6 has a 2.7 TDI. Recently, at 263432 km, I had my last inspection. Everything was still okay there. I find it really worrying that problems like this can come out of nowhere. I'll take your advice and visit the garage. Thanks again for the tip, buddy!

(Translated from German)


Hey, no problem, always happy to help! The whole thing was pretty similar with my 2 TDI. You'll see that as soon as the sensor is replaced, the car will feel completely different, quieter and smoother on the road and the black smoke and hissing should also be gone. Oh yes, one more thing - if the check engine light doesn't go out by itself after a few driving cycles, please go back to the garage. But the guys there should definitely be able to solve the problem. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the repair won't be too expensive and that you can have fun with your A6 again - they're really great cars! Stay tuned and give us an update later. Good luck, buddy!

(Translated from German)

SvenHart (Author)

Hey, thanks for the insurance and for sharing your experiences. I feel a bit better armed now. It's always good to have a second opinion. Your tip about the check engine light is helpful, I'll keep that in mind. As soon as I get the car fixed, I'll let you know how it goes. Hope my A6 is back in tip top shape soon. Thanks again and see you later buddy!

(Translated from German)

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