Problems with ABS/DSC function and pressure sensor in BMW 3 Series (2017 model year) - looking for solutions
Spongy/unresponsive brakes
ABS warning light
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
ABS/DSC system is not working
Unresponsive brake pedal
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Thanks for your input, buddy! It's a BMW 3 series F30, with 48500km on the clock and no major repairs to the brake system so far. I've only had an oil change and new brake pads. I've thought about the brake booster, but the hydraulic pump also sounds plausible. Difficult if you're not a professional... I'll see if I can find out which ABS-DSC version is fitted and then get back to you. Thanks again for the help!
(Translated from German)
No problem, buddy! So, if you've only had an oil change and new brake pads so far, then it could just be worn brake pads causing the sensory issues. But given the symptoms you describe, the problem could be deeper than that. On my 1, it was definitely the hydraulic pump, but your symptoms could also indicate a problem with the brake booster pressure sensor (as you originally suspected) or even a problem with the ABS-DSC controller itself. Complicated stuff - I know. If you find out and it is the pressure sensor, I would look for a replacement and find a garage that can deal with it. But also make sure the garage is well rated before you have any work done. Sometimes it's cheaper to get the parts yourself and just pay for the labor. Good luck, hopefully it's nothing serious!
(Translated from German)
Thanks for your comments, they really help me! I think I'll take it to the garage and see what they suggest. If it's the hydraulic pump and it costs me around 700 euros like yours, I could live with that. It's annoying, but if the car drives as it should afterwards, it would be worth the money to me. I'll get back to you as soon as I know more and what is ultimately broken or needs to be repaired. Thanks again for the help, really cool of you! Take a look and help if you can! You really know your stuff. See you then!
(Translated from German)
Hi mate, I'm not a professional but I had a similar problem with my 2015 BMW 1 Series. In my case it was the hydraulic pump that was faulty. I took the car to my garage and they replaced the pump. It cost me 725 euros. It could be similar for you too. To help you better, it would be helpful if you could specify the exact model type and version of your ABS-DSC system. How many kilometers has your vehicle already run? Have you had any other repairs carried out on the brake system? This may all help to better pinpoint the problem. All the best and let me know if you have any further questions!
(Translated from German)