Problems with ABS system and loss of power in Peugeot 107 - looking for experience and advice
Loss of engine power
Loss of traction
ABS warning light
ABS/DSC system is not working
(Translated from German)
5 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your answer. My Peugeot 107 already has around 156453 KM on the clock, but has always been reliable. I did the last service about 8,000 KM ago. Maybe it really is the control unit. I'll probably have a mechanic look at it. Thank you very much for your help! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
No problem, always welcome! With this mileage, it can happen that components such as the control unit give up the ghost. That's what happened to my grinder. It's always smart to have a mechanic look at it, especially with complex things like ABS systems. Hopefully it's nothing worse and you'll get off cheaply! Good luck and all the best with your Peugeot! See you then!
(Translated from German)
Hello, thank you for your advice. They were very helpful! I will take your advice on board and consult a mechanic. Hopefully the problem can be solved soon. I will keep you up to date. Until then, thanks again and stay healthy! Best regards!
Hey hey, I actually had almost exactly the same problem with a BMW 1 Series. In the end, it turned out that only the ABS sensor at the right rear was defective. The garage then replaced the sensor and checked the wiring harness to be on the safe side, but everything was fine. I hope this helps you.
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2009 Peugeot 206, so close to your model. Rather limited experience with cars here, but I try where I can. In the end, the control unit was defective. I took it to the garage and they sorted it out for me. It cost me 1000 euros, so it wasn't cheap, but I had to do it. Can you perhaps give me a little more information about your car, e.g. mileage, condition, etc.? Maybe then I can help a little more. Best regards!
(Translated from German)