Problems with ABS function and airbag warning light on Toyota Hiace 2004: suspected steering angle sensor defect
Fault stored
ABS/DSC system is not working
Airbag warning light
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your message. My Hiace now has 142322 KM on the clock. My last service was six months ago, there were no major problems then. I will take your suggestions on board and have the cable to the sensor checked. It would be nice if it was just that. Hopefully it won't cost too much. Thanks again!
(Translated from German)
Hi, no problem! Glad I could perhaps help. With the mileage on your car, it could well be signs of wear. It's definitely a good idea to have it checked. I also hope for your sake that it's just the cable. Of course, the costs can always vary a little, but if it's similar to my case, it shouldn't be too expensive. Maybe you'll be lucky! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's solved quickly and with little effort. Have a safe journey! Greetings!
(Translated from German)
Hi again, thanks for your words of encouragement! Yes you're right, it could be due to the high mileage. I will definitely have it checked at the garage, and hopefully it won't be too expensive. There are no other options anyway, you can't keep driving like this. I will definitely let you know what happens next. Thank you for taking the time to help me! See you then and keep up the good work!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2002 Toyota Proace. I am not a car professional, but I do have a little experience. When I had the same problem, I went to my garage and they found that it was actually due to a faulty cable connection to the sensor. The repair cost 155.0 euros, but it was definitely the right decision as everything was fine again afterwards. Would you like to give me more details about your car? Maybe I can then help you more specifically. Greetings!
(Translated from German)