Problems starting and dimming lights in BMW 2 Series Diesel, year of manufacture 2018: Is the engine control unit to blame?
Dim or flickering lights
Weak battery when starting the engine
Engine hard to start
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the answer. My mileage is 28874 km, the last service was also very recent. The fuel gauge is full, so that can't really be it. There is also no error message on the engine control unit. It really is a mystery. Maybe I really should take it to the garage. I was hoping I could solve it myself somehow. Any other ideas or tips would be great!
(Translated from German)
Hey, I know exactly what you mean. Now, if you say the tank is full and there was no service alarm, then I'm almost certain it's the battery. Had similar symptoms with my beamer, hard start, dimming lights, stuff that just boggles your mind. Took mine to an electrician who said the battery was almost gone. I then bought a new one for, I think, 180 euros and everything has been tip-top ever since. So, if I were you, I'd have the battery checked. Hope that helps.
(Translated from German)
Hi, had a similar problem with my 2016 BMW 3 series diesel, I'm no expert but have a bit of experience with cars. Your problem could be related to a low fuel level. I had fuel level too low on my engine control unit. I went to the garage and had it fixed there. It cost me 205 euros, but after that everything ran fine again. If you give me more information about the car, I might be able to help you in more detail. I hope that helps you a bit.
(Translated from German)