Problem with Peugeot 5008: Black smoke, high fuel consumption and suspected defective boost pressure sensor
Strong exhaust smell
Whistling noise
Loss of engine power
Check engine light on
Jerking on acceleration
Loud hissing on acceleration
Poor fuel economy
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hello and thank you for your answer! Regarding your questions: My Peugeot was last serviced at a mileage of 39056 KM. I normally only drive it in town and on a short journey to work, nothing unusual really. What you say about the turbocharger could make sense, the symptoms fit. I will definitely visit a garage and have it checked. Thanks again for the tip!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem, you're welcome! It sounds like your driving profile is pretty similar to mine. I also drive my Peugeot mostly in town and to work. In my case, it was actually the turbocharger. It's good that you're planning a visit to the garage. A professional diagnosis will always provide further clarity. If it really is the turbocharger, get an estimate from the garage. Repairs are not cheap and prices can vary depending on the workshop. Also, don't forget if your Peugeot still has any kind of warranty, it might be covered. Stay safe on the road and please give us an update when you know more! All the best!
(Translated from German)
Hello and thanks again for the helpful information! Your description sounds very familiar to me. The symptoms are almost exactly the same as on my Peugeot. It's true, I really should ask the garage. And that's a very good tip about the estimate, I hadn't even thought about that. And I'll also check the warranty, which would of course be great if it was covered. I'll definitely report back on what the garage says and what happens next. Until then, stay safe and drive carefully! Thank you very much!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2015 Peugeot 3008, I consider myself a person with some experience in cars but don't have much background on a technical level. At the garage they found that the turbocharger was faulty, which caused the symptoms you described. The repair costs amounted to 1070 euros. The problems were only resolved after the turbocharger was replaced. However, it would be helpful to have more information to be able to help you better. Do you happen to know whether any maintenance work has been carried out on your car recently? Or do you drive the car under certain conditions that are atypical? This could help to better pinpoint the problem. Hopefully the information is useful!
(Translated from German)