Problem with flashing ABS warning light and defective brake light on Mercedes Vito 2018
ABS warning light
Brake light not working
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, no problem, that's what we're here for! Well, it sounds like you're on the road quite a bit. So, given your mileage and the age of your Vito, it could well be the control unit. But don't worry, it could just be a sensor. I would recommend you go to your garage as soon as possible and have it checked - before it gets worse. And if it is the control unit, look for used parts. I got mine replaced for 750 euros back then. So the repair costs might even be lower. Please keep us posted on how it turns out. Good luck!
(Translated from German)
Hey, I know your problem. I had something similar with my Mercedes Sprinter (built in 2016, also petrol engine). I'm not a master mechanic, but I've had a few experiences with cars. I then went to my garage and they found out that it was the control unit that was faulty. It cost me 1000 euros to replace it at the time. Could be the same for you. How many kilometers have you driven and when was the last time the control unit was replaced? With a little more information, we might be able to narrow down your problem better.
(Translated from German)