Power Seat Failure in my Minicab, Help Needed!
Electric seats malfunction
Fault stored
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! My Minicab has 104569 KM on the clock, and I just had it serviced last month. Actually, before the seats completely stopped working, I did notice they were moving a bit slower than usual, especially when adjusting forward and back. Think I should have that wiring harness checked out like in your case? Sounds like a similar issue, and honestly, I'd be relieved if it's just a loose connection rather than something more serious with the electrical system.
Hey again! Yeah, that slow movement you mentioned before the complete failure sounds exactly like what I experienced with my i-MiEV. Mine had around 98K on the clock when it happened, so pretty close to your mileage. Definitely get that wiring harness checked, it's usually the first thing to look at with these symptoms. In my case, the slow movement was because of that loose connection I mentioned earlier. The connection was getting worse over time, which explains the gradual slowdown before it completely gave up. Just to add to my previous response, when my mechanic was fixing it, he also found some minor corrosion on one of the connectors, probably from moisture getting in there over time. It's worth having them take a look at that too while they're at it. These Mitsubishi seats are generally pretty reliable, so I'd be surprised if it's anything major. Quick tip: if your workshop does find it's just a connection issue like mine was, make sure they apply some dielectric grease to the connectors. Mine did this, and it helps prevent future corrosion issues. Been running smooth for almost a year now! Let me know how it goes when you get it checked out!
Thanks so much for all the detailed advice! That's really helpful, especially the tip about the dielectric grease, I'll definitely mention that to my mechanic. Just booked an appointment for next Tuesday to have them check the wiring harness. You've made me feel a lot better about this whole situation, honestly. It's great to hear these seats are usually reliable and that your fix has lasted nearly a year now. I'll update you once I get it sorted out. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience in such detail!
Hey there! I've had some experience working on cars (low experience) and faced a similar issue with my 2013 Mitsubishi i-MiEV. The power seats completely stopped working, and it turned out to be a faulty connection in the wiring harness under the seat. Took it to my local workshop, and they found a loose plug connection that was causing the system fault. The fix wasn't too complicated, they had to reconnect and secure the cables properly, plus replace one damaged connector. Cost me about 95 Euro total, and the seats have been working perfectly since then. What's the mileage on your Minicab? Also, did you notice any warning signs before the seats stopped working completely? This info would help me share more relevant details from my experience.