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Power loss problems in BMW 1 - Glow plugs critical?

Loss of engine power

Hi all, I have a BMW 1 and have recently noticed a loss of power in the engine. I am wondering if this could be related to the glow plugs, as they seem to be in critical condition. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any suggestions as to what could be causing this problem? I appreciate any help.

(Translated from Spanish)

3 comment(s)

Best Answer


While glow plugs can indeed cause a loss of power, they are typically more associated with starting issues in diesel engines. However, it's still worth checking them if they're in critical condition. Another common cause for power loss could be a clogged air filter, fuel injectors, or a malfunctioning mass airflow sensor. I would suggest starting with the easiest check - replace the air filter if it's due, and then move on to the more complex parts. Please keep us updated on your progress. Do you have any other questions?

joevelu (Author)

I have connected carly to the car and it tells me that all 4 glow plugs are serious, plus thermal oil level sensor(layer), oil quality sensor (QLT layer), AUC sensor and bistable relay 2 / bistable relay. Could they be the reason?

(Translated from Spanish)



I have connected carly to the car and it tells me that all 4 glow plugs are serious, plus thermal oil level sensor(layer), oil quality sensor (QLT layer), AUC sensor and bistable relay 2 / bistable relay. Could they be the reason?

Yes, if your diagnostic tool is indicating issues with all 4 glow plugs, it's likely they are contributing to the loss of power. The oil level and quality sensors could also be affecting the performance if they're not functioning correctly. I would recommend addressing these issues as soon as possible. Start with replacing the glow plugs, then check the oil level and quality sensors. Remember, if you're not comfortable doing these repairs yourself, it's best to take your car to a professional mechanic. Please let us know how it goes. Any other questions?

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