Possible problems with the tank vent valve on the Ford Ka 2010: Exchange of experience and suggestions for solutions wanted
Shaking while idling
Loss of engine power
Stalling while idling
Check engine light on
Jerking on acceleration
Unsteady engine
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your quick reply! My mileage is 104122 km and the last service was recently. Unfortunately I don't have an exact fault code, I just know that the warning light is on. So far my experience with my garage has been good, so maybe I should follow your advice and have the guys take a look at the hoses. It can hardly get any worse and 175 euros sounds acceptable. Thanks for your help, really cool of you!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem, that's what we're here for, to help each other! 104122 km is a decent mileage for your Ka, but nothing that should stop the car. It could well be that, like my car, it's because the hoses are blocked. I would definitely have it checked. The warning light alone is always a non-specific symptom and can unfortunately have many different causes. Without an exact error code, it's shooting in the dark, so going to the workshop is certainly a good idea. In my case, the 175 euros were well spent because my car ran like a charm again afterwards. Of course, it may cost you a little more or less, depending on what exactly is broken. Please keep us posted on how your car turns out. Good luck!
(Translated from German)
Hi, thanks for the encouraging words! I will make an appointment with my garage tomorrow and have them check it out. Let's hope it doesn't cost more than the 175 euros. I will keep you posted if there is any news. It's great that there are helpful people like you! Thanks again!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I recently had a very similar problem with my 2008 Ford Focus, just a different model of the same make. I have some experience with cars but am not a professional. I took my car to my trusted garage. The guys there are really fit and quickly found the cause of the unsteady engine performance and the twitching when accelerating: The hoses were clogged. I paid 175 euros for the repair, which in the end was affordable considering how much better the car ran afterwards. Do you have an exact error code for the tank ventilation valve? Or more information about your vehicle? Then perhaps I can say a little more about it. Greetings.
(Translated from German)