Possible Fuel Pressure Regulator Issue in '05 Nissan Serena: Seeking Advice on Symptoms and Experiences
Loss of engine power
Unsteady engine
Engine shuts off by itself
Stalling while idling
Poor fuel economy
Jerking on acceleration
Check engine light on
Strong exhaust smell
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey there, your situation sounds a bit too familiar! Had a similar run in with my '06 Nissan Serena, although mine was a diesel. Crazy black smoke, irregular engine behavior and whatnot. Turned out to be a faulty fuel pressure regulator in my case. Got a mechanic to take care of it and my Serena has been a smooth operator since then. Just out of interest, do you happen to remember how much you ended up forkin' out for the repair? Also, has anything else cropped up since then or has your Primera been behaving? Thanks!
(Translated from German)
Hey, good to hear from you! Yeah, your Serena symptoms sound pretty much like what I was dealing with on my Primera. Your guess was spot on - it was indeed a fuel pressure regulator problem! Since the mechanic sorted that out, my old girl has been running smoothly, almost like she's got a new lease on life. As for the repair cost, it wasn't too steep actually. They charged me 45€ for wiping that pesky error entry that popped up after they'd changed the fuel filter. Considering the improvement in performance after that, I'd say it was money well spent! Since then, my Primera's been behaving like an absolute dream, no other problems or issues to report. Touch wood though, you know how diva these cars can be sometimes, right? Anyway, hope your Serena stays in top form too. Keep us posted!
(Translated from German)
Hey there, this is all incredibly helpful. Reading your experiences has certainly provided me with valuable pointers. Wow, that's quite a story with your Primera! Now, I am pretty confident it might be the fuel pressure regulator giving me a tough time. Thanks for breaking down the steps your mechanic took. It's great to know that they were thorough and didn't just treat it as a quick fix. I'm glad your Primera is back in action with no issues. And hey, 45€ is not bad at all if it ensures smooth running. Similarly, your insight is pretty reassuring. Your '06 Serena run sounds nearly identical to mine, except for the diesel part. Knowing that a faulty fuel pressure regulator was your culprit gives me a place to start. You both have been incredibly helpful. I'll get to a professional first thing tomorrow with all this info in mind. Fingers crossed it's not too severe. Thanks again, you guys. You're an absolute lifesaver! Let's hope our vehicles keep behaving from now on, eh? Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey there, sounds like you're having a rough ride with your Serena. I totally get that. I had a somewhat similar issue with my '02 Nissan Primera not too long ago - signs were slightly different, but the same general theme. The fuel consumption was worse than a 16-year-old leadfoot on his first drive, and my check engine light was having a party. At first, I thought it was my fuel filter, but the friendly folks at the garage told me I had an error entry - pretty much the same as what you're seeing. Apparently, it's not uncommon after changing fuel filters, the system gets overwhelmed with debris, excess fuel and whatnot, and throws a tantrum because it ain't the clean fuel it's used to. My garage folks brought my Primera back to life. They ran a few diagnostic tests, primarily on the fuel delivery system to see what’s precisely causing the issue. They had to thoroughly clean the fuel injectors, cause turns out, a load of debris had built up in there over time. Next up, they rechecked the fuel filter change you mentioned. Then, they refreshed the software, wiped off the error entry and the car was good as new again. So in my case, the issue wasn't overly serious, just a lot of work and a mechanic who knew what he was doing. But with vehicles, you never know, each case can be different. Since you're seeing black exhaust smoke, it could indeed be the fuel pressure regulator. Best you get it to a professional soon before it creates bigger issues. Good luck!
(Translated from German)