Peugeot 406 (2000): Door lock problems and flickering lighting - tips and experience reports wanted
Dim or flickering lights
Vehicle cannot be unlocked or locked
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, I've had my Peugeot for a while now, but it only has 6483 km on it because I mostly drive short distances. I first noticed the problem when I came back from my weekly shop and the door wouldn't open properly. It simply wouldn't unlock, only after locking and unlocking it electrically a few times did it finally work. It feels like the central locking is stuck, if you know what I mean? The lights flicker especially when I lock the door after parking and then just lock it. This is the first time I've experienced a problem like this. But I haven't really found a solution yet. Your control unit tip could be a possibility, any ideas what I could do apart from going to the garage?
(Translated from German)
Hey, that's annoying, especially with such a low mileage. It was actually similar with my Peugeot, even though I've been using the car a bit longer and more intensively. Your description sounds very much as if the car's fault memory should be read out - to find out whether the control unit is faulty or whether the electronics in the outside door handle are possibly going crazy after all. The irregular operation of the central locking system as well as the flickering of the lights could indicate that there is either a temporary failure or that the electronics on the handle in question are weak. Although there are special tools to read out such error codes yourself, if you say that you have little experience with cars, I would strongly advise you to go to a specialist workshop. Not only will they be able to check it safely, they will also have the right equipment to replace the faulty components. To put it casually - you wouldn't let a doctor approach your appendix operation with a scalpel if he had never performed such an operation before. So it's better to let someone who knows what they're doing do it. I know that the repair can't be cheap, as I experienced it. But in the end it was worth it, because I had no more problems afterwards. I hope that helps you a bit. You should still go to the garage and have it checked and fixed! Good luck with that!
(Translated from German)
Hey, thanks for your advice. The appendectomy analogy got me thinking. So I'm going to follow your advice and take the car to the garage. It's certainly better to have it done by professionals. I was just worried that it might be a costly repair. But as you say, it's worth the money if it fixes the problem permanently. I just hope it goes as smoothly as it did for you. Thanks again for your help. See you then!
(Translated from German)
Hey, I had a similar problem with my 2002 Peugeot 407, gasoline engine. I would describe myself as someone with little car experience. I noticed that the door lights were flickering and the door was struggling to close properly. I then decided to take the matter to my local garage. The people there were extremely helpful and found that the control unit was faulty. The repair cost around 600 euros, but everything worked great again afterwards. Can you give me more details about your vehicle? For example, where exactly did you find the problem and when did it first occur? That way I might be able to help you more specifically.
(Translated from German)