Peugeot 206 with engine problems: High consumption, black smoke and loss of power
Jerking on acceleration
Longer cold start time
Strong exhaust smell
Poor fuel economy
Check engine light on
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Loss of engine power
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your quick reply! That does indeed sound a lot like what I'm observing on my Peugeot. It's good to know that I'm not alone in my suspicions about the air/fuel mixture. Do you remember how much you paid to replace the fuel pressure regulator? And did you notice any other problems afterwards? I look forward to your feedback and thank you in advance! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
You're welcome, we car fans are always ready to help each other! Well, I've already spent almost €250 on replacing the fuel pressure regulator. But you know, since that problem was fixed, my car's engine is running like a kitten again. That mixture control you mentioned - the one with the mixture being too rich - has already been fixed by the mechanic and there's nothing to complain about since then. So it was absolutely worth it. No more worries about black smoke or higher consumption. I hope this helps you and wish you good luck in solving the problem! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Thank you very much for the detailed information. That takes me a long way forward. Your statement that it was worth it has reassured me. I will now also take the plunge and have my fuel pressure regulator checked and probably replaced. A price of around €250 sounds quite acceptable and is definitely cheaper than buying a new car! I guess I'll soon be able to sleep peacefully again without having to constantly think about the black smoke and high fuel consumption. Thanks again for your advice and support! See you next time and best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2007 Benz C-Class, but in my case it was the fuel pressure regulator that was defective. As a result, the air-fuel mixture was no longer correct, just like yours. The symptoms were almost identical: black smoke, engine judder, increased consumption and the check engine light came on. They then replaced the fuel pressure regulator at the workshop. This was an important step because it is a serious problem if the fuel pressure regulator is not working. It can lead to an overload of the engine and in the worst case even to engine damage. Hope this helps you a little. It's best to have it checked at the garage. Best regards!
(Translated from German)