Overheating and Low Coolant Level Issues in 2009 Nissan Pixo
Coolant level low
Check engine light on
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey there! Really appreciate your input. Your ordeal sounds brutal--glad you managed to sort it out. The similarity in symptoms is uncanny. Guess it's high time I checked that water pump connection. Reminds me, how much did you shell out for the repair? And since you got it fixed, has anything else gone awry? Cheers.
(Translated from German)
Hey, no worries, glad to help a fellow car owner. Now, about the repair, it ended up costing me around 155 Euro. Turns out it was the cable connection/plug of the water pump that was acting up so they had to fix that. To answer your other question, since my mechanic sorted it out, the problem with the message error between control devices was totally fixed. So far, I haven't had any further issues related to this. The old girl's been running smooth which puts a good old smile on this face! So, get your Pixo to a reliable mechanic and fingers crossed it's the same thing. Hope it sorts out soon. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Thanks a heap for the info! 155 Euro sounds a bit steep but for peace of mind, it's money well-spent. Your happy-ending story gives me hope that the problem ain't gonna throw a major curveball my way. Got an appointment with a new mechanic this week. Will make sure to tell him about the water pump connection as you suggested. Fingers crossed it's nothing worse. Will update you on what happens. Thanks again, you're a lifesaver. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey! Sorry to hear about your car trouble, it's the pits. I've got a 2006 Nissan Micra just a bit older than your Pixo but they share a lot of the same guts. I had a similar issue one Thanksgiving when I was stuck out of state. It was the check engine light, overheating, and low coolant symptoms - the works. I had the same mess of warning lights on the dashboard and everything. The culprit? It boiled down to the cable connection/plug of the water pump being defective. I dunno if that's what you've got going on but it sure sounds familiar. As for the severity of the issue, it was fairly significant. You see, the water pump is pretty crucial as it circulates coolant throughout the engine to keep it from overheating. If your water pump's plug/connection is acting up, it may not be able to properly monitor or function, leading all these symptoms to pop up. So I'd say it's worth checking out. And remember, it's always important to sort out these things early. All the best.
(Translated from German)