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No Air Flow From Blower, Troubleshooting Motor Issues

Fault stored


Blower does not work properly

Having issues with the climate control in my 2006 Chevy Colorado. The blower motor completely stopped working, no air flow at any fan speed. Already checked the fuse and it's good. Error code is stored in the system. Pretty sure it's related to the blower motor or fan speed controller, but would like to hear from anyone who's dealt with this before. What parts did you end up replacing and how much work was involved in the fix? Any specific testing steps I should try before heading to a shop?

4 comment(s)


Had this exact problem with my 2004 Chevy Silverado last winter. The HVAC system completely died, no airflow whatsoever. Like you, I checked the fuse first, which was fine. After getting it checked, the blower motor was completely shot. The electrical wiring connections were good, but the motor itself had failed. Shop confirmed it with their diagnostic tools. Ended up paying around 365 for parts and labor, mostly labor since accessing the blower motor meant removing several components under the dash. Based on some experience working on these trucks, the symptoms are pretty typical of a failed blower motor. The Silverado and Colorado share similar HVAC components from that era. What's the mileage on your Colorado? Also, before it completely died, did you notice any unusual noises from the heater fan or inconsistent speeds? These details would help narrow down if you're facing the same issue.

emanuelweiss4 (Author)

Thanks for confirming my suspicions about the blower motor. Mine's at 128929 KM and just had its service last month. Before the complete air circulation failure, the fan was making a whirring noise for about a week, and air flow was definitely weaker than normal. Your description matches what I'm experiencing, zero response from the climate control system regardless of settings. The fact that these trucks share similar HVAC components is helpful info. Sounds like I should brace for a repair bill in that same ballpark. Did replacing the blower motor completely solve your issue, or did you end up needing to replace the speed controller too? Just want to make sure I get everything fixed in one go if I take it to the shop.


Based on those symptoms, especially the whirring noise before failure, it's definitely the blower motor. Had the exact same progression in my Silverado. The weak air flow followed by complete failure is a classic sign. Just replacing the blower motor fixed everything in my case, the fan speed controller was fine. The heater fan worked perfectly at all settings after the replacement. If your speed controller was bad, you'd typically see inconsistent fan speeds before the total failure, which doesn't seem to be your case. Quick tip from my experience: when they replace the blower motor, have them clean out the air circulation housing while they're in there. Mine had collected quite a bit of debris over the years, and cleaning it improved the cabin fan performance noticeably. The repair cost should be similar to what I paid since the labor process is nearly identical between our trucks. Make sure they test all fan speeds after installation, mine initially had a slight vibration at high speed that needed adjustment.

emanuelweiss4 (Author)

Thanks for the detailed advice about the blower motor and cleaning suggestion. That's exactly what I needed to know. The whirring noise and gradual air flow decrease definitely matches what you experienced. Since my air conditioning and heating are completely dead now, I'll go ahead and schedule the repair. Good to hear that the blower motor replacement alone fixed your issues, helps me feel more confident about what to expect. I'll definitely have them clean the air circulation housing while they're working on it. Makes sense about testing all the fan speeds after installation. I'll make sure they check for any vibrations during the test run. Appreciate you walking me through your experience, saved me from potentially getting unnecessary parts replaced and helped me understand what's actually involved in the fix. The cost sounds reasonable given the labor involved with accessing everything under the dash. At least now I know what I'm getting into before heading to the shop. Time to get my climate control system back to working order.

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