Nissan RNessa 2000: Alarm Issues and Weak Battery Worries Among Owners
Alarm system malfunctions
Weak battery when starting the engine
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey! Awesome to hear that you tackled this issue head on with your Almera. Sounds pretty tricky, but you nailed it! It's quite a relief knowing it's not an isolated problem. Quick question, do you recall the bills from the garage? I want to get a rough idea of the damage I might be facing in my wallet. And just checking, has your Almera had any similar problems or perhaps other unforeseen issues since the fix? Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey there! Yeah, dealing with this issue was a bit of a nutcracker but totally worth it. As for the garage bill, if memory serves right, it cost me around 45€ for them to re-code the alarm system. It may sound a bit steep for such a specific issue, but trust me, having the alarm no longer causing a ruckus randomly and more importantly, not messing with the optical lock was a price I was willing to pay! It's been a breeze since the fix, no more unwelcome surprises, thankfully. So, a bit of a pinch for the wallet, but totally worth it for the peace of mind. Hope the fix on your R'Nessa proves to be just as fruitful! Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Appreciate the breakdown! Yeah, 45€ does pinch the wallet a bit, but peace of mind is worth every penny, I reckon. You've been really helpful - I'm feeling much less anxious about heading back to the mechanic. Heck, maybe I'll play him the tough customer this time around, haha. Keep you posted on how it goes. Cheers for the insights and the shared experience - it's what makes this community so special! All the best with your Almera!
(Translated from German)
Hey, funny you should mention this, I had a similar situation with my 1997 Nissan Almera not too long ago. My alarm would randomly go off and I also noticed the engine was acting a bit weak on start-up. I asked around, finally figured out it was indeed related to the anti-theft system. Turns out the alarm system was incorrectly coded to activate the optical locking. I know it sounds a bit complicated, but basically, imagine the alarm and the car's locking mechanism being slightly out of sync. I took it to my local garage, they did a full re-coding of the alarm system, basically told it to play nice with the rest of the car’s systems. They also checked out the battery, just in case it was underperforming, but thankfully, it wasn't an issue. It wasn't a quick fix, mind you, in fact, it was a pretty serious issue because it interfered with the car's electrical system, and that can cause a whole slew of problems if unresolved. The important thing is to get it sorted as soon as possible. Once fixed, everything’s been smooth sailing since. So, hang in there, once your mechanic gets this sorted, you should be good as gold. Cheers!
(Translated from German)