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Nissan Quest 2010 Windscreen Heating Issue and 'Fault Stored' Alert Concerns

Fault stored


Heated windows without function

Hey folks, I'm a bit concerned about my 2010 Nissan Quest (Gas model, clocked about 72384 KM). Lately, the windscreen heating has been acting up, malfunctioning frequently and the trouble doesn't seem to end, as 'Fault stored' keeps popping up. I've had some past problems with my mechanic, so kinda hesitant to revisit. Has anyone experienced something similar? How was your mechanic situation? Looking for tips, guidance, anything really at this point. Thanks!

(Translated from German)

4 comment(s)


Hey there! I totally feel you, man. Had a kinda similar issue with my 2013 Nissan Pathfinder. It wasn't the windscreen heating but my vehicle battery. Boy, it was acting all sorts of crazy. Weak, empty, and just generally unpredictable. I'm no car-whiz, but it had everything to do with my alternator not charging the battery due to a faulty voltage regulator or something like that. You see, I'd find my ride dead more often than not, and whenever this happened, I remember having to jump start it. Let me tell you, the "Fault stored" on your dashboard can be as annoying as it was with my battery issues. Turns out, my alternator was on the blink and my poor battery wasn't exactly getting the juice it needed to do its thing. It was a bit of a job, had to get the whole alternator replaced. The mechanic had to go through a lot of diagnostics and it took more time than I'd have liked, so it was definitely serious. That said, I'd advise you not to neglect it. After seeing what happened with my Pathfinder, I can only imagine it's the same with other Nissan makes. Especially since we're talking about a similar vintage. Get it checked ASAP to avoid bigger problems down the road. Hope you get your issue resolved soon. Good luck!

(Translated from German)

MatthiasB (Author)

Hey there! Thanks for sharing your experience, much appreciated! It sounds like both our Nissans decided to play up at the worst times. Yours, the battery, and mine, the windscreen heating. Pesky problems, huh? What you said about the alternator is making me wonder if the "Fault stored" message might be more serious than I first thought. I'll definitely take your advice and get it checked out ASAP, don't want it turning into a bigger problem. By the way, do you recall how much you ended up dishing out to get your alternator replaced? Also, any further issues with your Pathfinder since the fix? Cheers!

(Translated from German)


Hey back at you! Aye, it's like our Nissans have a sixth sense for causing trouble just when we least expect it, right? Well, getting my Pathfinder all sorted did come at a cost. Ended up forked out around 290€ to replace the darn battery. Not exactly what I wanted to blow my money on, but hey, it was either that or walking! As for the windscreen heating you mentioned, ever since I saw the mechanic, things have been surprisingly good on my end. The function of the windscreen heating is back to normal and hasn't given me a spot of bother since the fix - a real relief! Morale of the story though, ignoring these issues is a no-go. As annoying as it can be, get 'em fixed as soon as they pop up and you'll save yourself some real headaches down the line. Hope it works out with your Quest!

(Translated from German)

MatthiasB (Author)

Well, bloody Nissans, aren't they? Guess they have a knack for springing surprises at the worst times indeed! Your experience with the battery replacement certainly doesn't sound like a walk in the park, but hey, better than hoofing it, right? And €290, while not a drop in the ocean, is still a price I'd happily pay for peace of mind. Good to hear your Pathfinder's behaving itself after the fix though; gives me hope that once I get my windscreen heating issue ironed out, it'll be smooth sailing from there on. I'm taking your advice to heart - no more trying to ignore or delay what needs fixing. Guess it's time to make peace with the mechanic and book an appointment. Fingers crossed things turn out as well for me as they did for you. Thanks again for all your help! Wishing you no more Nissan nightmares!

(Translated from German)

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