Multiple Dash Alerts After Shop Visit, Get a Scan Now!
Error message in the speedometer
Fault stored
Error message in the infotainment system
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing that experience, sounds spot on with what I'm dealing with. After reading about your Impala issues, I took mine to a certified diagnostic center and they found similar control module problems. The malfunction indicator was showing multiple communication faults. Just curious, how much did the fix end up costing you? And have you had any recurring issues since they reprogrammed everything? I'm trying to budget for this repair and want to make sure it gets done right this time. My OBD-II scan showed similar communication errors between modules. Hoping it's just a straightforward recoding job like yours was.
Just wanted to update on my Impala repair costs since you asked, got everything sorted for 360 € at the certified shop. The fault code issues were exactly what we suspected, bad coding from the previous work. After they reset codes and properly recoded the control modules, all those annoying error messages disappeared. Haven't seen a single warning light or communication error in the past month. The engine diagnostics confirmed it was purely a coding issue, not any actual mechanical problems. The check engine light cleared right up after they reprogrammed everything correctly. The diagnostic center did a thorough job making sure all modules were talking to each other properly. No more speedometer glitches or unusual warning messages popping up. Your symptoms sound identical to what I experienced, so you're probably looking at a similar fix, just need someone who knows how to properly code the systems. The repair was totally worth it for the peace of mind. Much better than driving around with constant error messages and wondering if something bigger might be wrong.
Well, took my car to a reputable diagnostic center yesterday after getting some solid advice here. The scan tool reading showed exactly what was suspected, multiple communication errors from improper module coding. Glad I didn't go back to the original shop! The certified technician found 5 different fault codes all related to module communication. They spent about 2 hours reprogramming and recoding everything properly. Cost me €285 total, which wasn't as bad as I feared. The malfunction indicator cleared up immediately after they finished. All the error messages are gone now, no more crazy speedometer readings or infotainment glitches. The engine diagnostics confirmed it was just bad coding from the previous work, not any real mechanical issues. What a relief! Definitely learned my lesson about choosing repair shops more carefully. The diagnostic center did things right the first time, and now everything's working perfectly. No more unusual warning lights or system errors popping up. Thanks for steering me in the right direction with this!
Had the exact same issue with my 2004 Chevy Impala last month. Multiple error codes popped up after routine maintenance, turned out the mechanic disconnected some modules and didn't properly recode them after reconnecting. Get an OBD-II scan done before returning, this will give you documented proof of the current fault codes. The engine light and malfunction indicator problems were directly related to improper module coding in my case. A professional diagnostic scanner revealed about 6 different communication errors between modules. This isn't typically a major mechanical issue, but it's definitely a sign of sloppy work. The root cause was incorrect coding of the vehicle's computer systems after service. My solution was taking it to a certified shop that specializes in engine diagnostics, they reinitialized all modules and cleared the stored codes properly. Don't let the shop brush this off, modern vehicles need proper relearning procedures after certain components are disconnected. Based on your symptoms, sounds exactly like incomplete or incorrect module coding.