Mercedes CLA power loss (2018) diesel probably defective EGR valve
Engine shuts off by itself
Strong exhaust smell
Loss of engine power
Shaking while idling
Unsteady engine
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, okay, 105678 km sounds like a mileage at which the EGR valve can definitely cause problems. I had similar symptoms with my 2014 CLA diesel at around 110000 km and it turned out that it was actually the EGR valve. So there's a lot to suggest that this could also be the cause in your case. Since your last service was 2 months ago, I would assume that the EGR valve may not have been checked thoroughly, unless you specifically pointed this out. In my case, everything ran smoothly again after the replacement and I can only recommend having it checked quickly before any further damage occurs. Maybe you can call your trusted garage and describe the symptoms. They can often give you a first impression over the phone as to whether it could very probably be the EGR valve. And if you decide to replace it, I hope that it goes as smoothly and cost-efficiently for you as it did for me. Keep your fingers crossed that your CLA will soon be running smoothly again! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hey, thanks for the info. That actually confirms my suspicions. I'll give the garage a call and see if they can check the EGR valve in more detail. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for an appointment and it won't cost too much. But if it's just the EGR valve, it should be within reason. I'll keep you posted on how things progress. Thanks again for your support! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2016 Mercedes A-Class diesel. I'm not a professional, but would describe my knowledge as "some experience". Your suspicion is probably correct, in my case the EGR valve was defective or jammed. The workshop replaced the EGR valve and explained to me that this is a common weak point. The whole job cost me 355.0 euros. After the replacement, my car ran smoothly again. Can you perhaps share a few more details about your vehicle? Mileage, last service or any unusual noises? That might help us to answer you more precisely. Best regards!
(Translated from German)