Malfunction of the ABS system and airbag indicator light on the EQC Mercedes Benz 2020
ABS/DSC system is not working
Airbag warning light
Fault stored
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your reply! Interesting that you've been through the same thing before. Do you happen to remember how much you paid for the repair back then? And has anything similar happened again since then? In general, have you had any other problems with your car since you replaced the cable? A repair like that doesn't sound easy and I'd like to avoid the problem happening again. Thank you!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem, always happy to help! So, the repair cost me €155 at the time. To be more precise, it was the cable connection to the sensor that was defective. But since replacing the cable connection, the error "Communication with steering angle sensor faulty" has no longer occurred and everything is now working perfectly. Since then, there have been no further incidents or other problems with my car. You always have to bear in mind that although it's annoying, there's nothing wrong with a safely functioning car. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)
Hey, really great that you replied so quickly! Your information is really helpful and it reassures me to know that it might not be that expensive and that the error hasn't happened to you again. I agree with you, safety first. So now I'm going to take my EQC to the mechanic and get the cable checked. Hopefully that's all it is in my case. Thanks again for your help!
(Translated from German)
Hey, had a similar problem with my 2017 GLC Mercedes Benz. The main cause was a faulty cable connecting the sensor to the car. Had to go to the garage and they replaced the cable and checked the sensor for possible damage. This was already a serious problem, wasn't allowed to continue driving with it. It was a bit annoying to leave the car in the garage for a while, but after that everything worked perfectly again. It could possibly be something similar in your case. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)