Looking for troubleshooting tips for Renault Kangoo 2010
Fault stored
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hello, sure, I can understand that you're a little nervous. Well, the whole thing cost me around €955 at the time. That was quite a lot of money, but since then the car has really run like clockwork. After the mechanic had a look at it, he actively repaired the central fault memory lock. Since then, the problems with the sporadically faulty communication between the control units have also been history. So, cheer up! It may cost a little, but it's definitely worth it. Best regards back!
(Translated from German)
Hello, thank you very much for the detailed information! That's very reassuring. I think I'll quickly start looking for a good mechanic who can carry out this specific troubleshooting. The €955 is of course a lot of money, but if the car works smoothly then it seems worth it. Thanks again for your help and valuable tips! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hello, I recently had a similar problem with my 2013 Renault Clio. There was a sporadic communication error between the control units. My mechanic noticed this by reading out the fault memory. It was probably a serious issue because such errors can completely shut down the electronics. We had to re-synchronize the control units and adapt the software. It was a bit of a test of patience, but it all worked out in the end. Thumbs up for my mechanic! Hope that helps you a bit. All the best for the repair!
(Translated from German)