Land Rover Massage Seat Malfunction: Fix Options & Costs?
Massage seat without function
4 comment(s)
Thanks so much for sharing your experience! Really helpful stuff about the wiring harness, makes total sense about wear and tear from seat movement. Would you mind telling me how much the repair ended up costing you? Also curious if you've had any other problems with the seat since getting it fixed?
Hey again! Happy to help! Since you asked, I actually just got the massage seat fixed last month, and it cost me 95 Euro for the cable connection repair. The mechanic basically had to fix a faulty plug connection, and I'm glad to say it's working like a charm now! No problems at all since the repair, the massage function works perfectly every time. I was actually surprised at how straightforward the fix was once they identified the problem. The mechanic mentioned these cable issues are pretty common in our models, so at least we're not alone! The price was definitely more reasonable than I expected, especially compared to what I was worried it might cost. Honestly, it's such a relief to have it working properly again, you don't realize how much you miss that massage feature until it's gone, right? Let me know if you need any other info!
Thanks again for all the details! I bit the bullet and went to a different mechanic yesterday. You were spot on, it was indeed a wiring issue, though mine needed a bit more work. They charged me 150 Euro because they had to replace the entire harness, but honestly, I'm just glad it's sorted now! The new mechanic was actually great, super transparent about what needed fixing and didn't try to upsell me on anything else. Such a different experience from my last garage visit! The massage feature is working perfectly now, and it's amazing how much I missed it during my daily drives. Really appreciate your help in pushing me to get it checked out. Would've probably put it off longer if you hadn't shared your experience. Time to enjoy my working massage seat again!
Hey there! I had a similar issue with my 2007 Land Rover LR2 (also gasoline). The massage seat stopped working completely last summer. Turned out the connection cable under the seat had worn out and was partially disconnected from the main plug. Got it checked at my garage, and they found that the wiring harness was damaged due to seat movement over time. It wasn't a major repair, basically needed the cable replaced and the connector plug refitted. The mechanic told me it's actually a common issue in these models after extended use. The whole thing took about 2 hours to fix. My seat controls went back to working perfectly after that. If your symptoms are similar (complete loss of massage function), it's likely the same problem. Just make sure they check the wiring harness first before replacing any expensive seat components. Best of luck!