Issues with Ignition Key Warning Light and Lock Malfunction in 2005 Lexus GX: Possible Hall Sensor?
Car won't start
Locking/Unlocking issue
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
4 comment(s)
Hey there, thanks for sharing your experience! Looks like our issues do share a bit of similarity. Definitely not a fan of dealing with these mechanic situations, but when your ride's acting up, you gotta do what you gotta do. That being said, you mentioned replacing the entire ignition switch assembly, if you don't mind me asking, do you recall how much it cost you? I'd like to prepare myself for a bit of a financial hit, knowing my Lexus and all. And since you got it fixed, has anything else related to this cropped up or has it been smooth sailing? Cheers!
Hey! Oh yeah, I remember that hit to the wallet pretty well, the total cost of getting that pesky insertion slot fixed came to a clean 290€. And let me tell you, it sure felt like punching a hole in my pocket at the time. But since then, no more strange lights, weird lock behaviors, or dreaded non-starting moments. So, yeah, quite worth it in the end, I'd say. Now, about that Hall sensor issue you suspected, you hit the nail right on the head. I didn't mention it before, but that was a problem too. Got that sorted out when I had the car checked by the mechanic. So, once you get your ride to your trustworthy wrench doctor, ask him to look into that as well. Hope this helps and you get back on the road soon! Drive safe!
Thanks a million really appreciate the price detail and all the other info. Definitely gives me a bit of budgetary perspective! It's a bit heartening to hear that you haven't faced any further issues since fixing those parts. And you bet, I'll make sure to include that Hall sensor on the list to the mechanic. Here's hoping they won't give me a terrible time like the last one did. But, can't say no to getting my Lexus up and running smoothly again now, can I? Alright then, cheers to you and your reliable advice! I'm off to find a decent mechanic and to brace myself for that imminent hole in the pocket. Wish me luck and, you too stay safe on the roads!
Hey! I feel your pain. I own a 2008 Lexus RX and had some similar symptoms about a year ago. I guessed it might be the battery, but turns out the problem was rooted in the ignition slot, which was acting defective, much like what you're facing now. The ignition key's warning light came up on my speedo just like yours. It effects the power locks and the starting system too. After some tinkering, my mechanic confirmed the defective insertion slot was the culprit. The necessary fix was to replace the entire ignition switch assembly. Wasn't exactly a piece of cake, but it sorted things right up. Obviously, every car's different, and I'm no mechanic myself, but the symptoms sound pretty similar to me. Might be worth checking out!