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Infiniti JX Hybrid: Power Steering Column Adjustment Dead

Electric steering column adjustment without function

Hi all, having trouble with my 2012 Infiniti JX Hybrid. The electric steering column adjustment suddenly stopped working completely. I suspect it might be the adjustment motor, but I'm not entirely sure. Has anyone dealt with this issue before? Would really appreciate hearing about your repair experiences and what the actual problem turned out to be. Also interested in knowing what the fix cost at your workshop. Thanks!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! I had a similar issue with my 2010 Infiniti M35h (I have some experience working on cars, but mostly basic maintenance stuff). The power steering column adjustment stopped working on mine too. Took it to my regular workshop and it turned out to be a faulty cable connection to the steering column motor. Cost me about 155€ to fix mostly labor costs since they had to partially disassemble the steering column to access the connection. If you don't mind sharing what's the mileage on your JX? Also, did you notice any warning lights on the dash before it stopped working? This might help pinpoint if you're dealing with the same problem I had. BTW, I've seen this issue pop up on a few Infinitis, including the QX models around that year. Let me know these details and I might be able to help more!

LenaS (Author)

Thanks for sharing your experience! My JX has 208118 KM on it, and I haven't noticed any warning lights before the issue started. I did my latest service about 3 months ago, and everything was fine until now. It just suddenly stopped working without any warning signs. I was hoping it might be something simple like your cable connection issue that repair cost sounds way better than replacing the whole motor! Did you notice any unusual noises before yours stopped working? Mine just went completely dead without any symptoms.


Hey again! Yeah, I totally get what you're going through. Actually, now that you mention it, my M35h was pretty similar it just died without any warning signs too. Mine had around 195,000 KM when it happened, so pretty close to your mileage. And nope, I didn't hear any weird noises before it stopped working either it was just like yours, completely dead one morning. That's actually what made me initially think it was the motor (like you did), but I got lucky with it just being that cable connection. Since your symptoms are so similar to what I experienced, and considering the mileage is in the same ballpark, I'd bet you're dealing with the same cable issue. Especially since you mentioned having a service recently sometimes when they work around that area, the connections can get a bit loose. My suggestion would be to get it checked at your workshop, but specifically ask them to inspect the cable connections first before jumping to replace the whole motor. Could save you a bunch of money! Let me know how it goes curious to hear if it's the same problem I had.

LenaS (Author)

Thanks so much for all that detailed info! It's really reassuring to hear that your issue was just a cable connection I'm feeling a lot more optimistic now. You're right, it does sound incredibly similar to what I'm experiencing. I've just called my regular workshop and managed to get an appointment for next week. I made sure to mention the cable connection possibility, and they said they'll check that first before looking at more expensive repairs. The similarity in mileage is pretty interesting too maybe it's just a common wear point for these models. I'll definitely update you once I get it checked out. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience it's helped me feel a lot less worried about potentially facing a huge repair bill!

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