Honda Crider Hybrid Cruise Control Failure Fix Needed
Cruise control without function
Fault stored
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! Yes, the cruise control completely fails to engage. I'm getting error code C0040 on the dash. I recently had my car serviced at 81949 KM and everything was fine until last week. Really good to know about the cable connection issue, that gives me something specific to ask my mechanic about. Did you notice any other warning lights or weird behavior before your cruise control stopped working completely? Mine just suddenly died during a drive, and I'm trying to figure out if I missed any warning signs.
Hey again! Thanks for providing those details about your Honda Crider. Actually, that's super helpful because when I had my issue, I got the exact same error code, C0040! Now that you mention it dying suddenly during driving, that's exactly how mine went too. And nope, I didn't get any warning signs either, it just decided to quit working mid-journey, which was pretty annoying. But here's something interesting I didn't mention in my first reply, before we found the loose cable connection, my mechanic actually discovered that the brake pedal position sensor was also acting up. These two issues combined were what caused my cruise control to fail. The sensor wasn't sending the right signals to the control module. In total, fixing both problems (the cables and sensor) ended up costing me about 180 Euro, a bit more than I initially shared since we found that second issue. But honestly, it was worth every penny because it's been working flawlessly for the past 8 months now. Just curious, have you noticed if your brake lights are working properly? That might be another clue to check out. In my case, they were working fine, which is why we didn't suspect the brake pedal sensor at first.
Thanks so much for all that detailed info! This is exactly what I needed to hear. The bit about the brake pedal position sensor is really interesting, I just checked my brake lights and they seem to be working fine, but I'll definitely have that sensor checked out too. It's super helpful to know that what I'm experiencing matches your situation so closely, especially with the same error code and sudden failure. I really appreciate you breaking down the full repair costs too. I was worried this might turn into some major expensive fix, but 180 Euro sounds much more reasonable than what I was imagining. Definitely going to mention both the cable connection and the brake pedal sensor to my mechanic when I take it in tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's the same issue and I'll be back to smooth sailing like you! Thanks again for taking the time to share your experience, it's made me feel a lot better about getting this sorted out!
Hey there! I had a pretty similar issue with my 2020 Honda Insight Hybrid (also owned a Civic before). I've got some experience working on cars, but nothing too advanced. The cruise control problem sounds very familiar. Mine turned out to be a faulty cable connection, basically, some wiring had worked loose near the steering column. My trusted mechanic diagnosed it quickly, replaced the damaged cables, and got everything running smoothly again. The whole thing cost me around 95 Euro, and it's been working perfectly since then. Before I share more specific details about my repair experience, could you tell me if you're getting any specific error codes? Also, does your cruise control completely fail to engage, or does it work intermittently? This info would help me give you more relevant advice from my experience.