Heating and air conditioning problems with 2010 Citroen Ccrosser: experience and workshop advice wanted
Air conditioning blows warm air
A/C System Not Engaging
Insufficient Cooling/Heating
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your quick reply! Wow, the way you describe it, it really sounds like a big deal. Do you remember how much this climate control panel and the installation cost you? I'll probably have to ask my mechanic about that too... And have you had any other problems with the air conditioning or heating since the repair, or is everything running smoothly again now? To be honest, I'm a bit scared of the costs and everything... Thank you in advance!
(Translated from German)
Hello, no problem, always happy to help! Replacing the air conditioning control unit (control unit) cost me 880 euros. Of course, that's quite a lot of money, but unfortunately it's not unusual with such high mileage. Since my visit to the mechanic, everything has been running smoothly again and the defect in the refrigerant compressor has been rectified. Since then, I've had no more problems with the air conditioning or heating. So don't drive yourself crazy, talk to your mechanic about it and let's hope it's not just as serious for you. Keep your fingers crossed!
(Translated from German)
Hey, 880 euros is really a lot of money, but I'm glad to hear that everything is working well for you again. I think I'll follow your advice and take it up with my mechanic. Maybe I'll be lucky and it's not that serious with my Citroen after all. Hopefully the bill will be a little less. Thanks for your help and the encouraging words! I will keep you up to date. See you then and keep your fingers crossed!
(Translated from German)
Hi buddy, I know the problem. I drive a 2007 Citroen C4 and had similar symptoms. In my case, the climate control unit (control unit) was defective, it controls the heating and air conditioning. My mechanic said it was a pretty serious problem as it regulates the air conditioning and makes sure everything runs normally. If it overheated, the whole system could have broken down. So yes, it was definitely not a minor repair. Hopefully it's not that serious in your case. Good luck!
(Translated from German)