Grille Shutter Failure Causing Overheating. Quick Fix Guide
Check engine light on
4 comment(s)
Thanks for the detailed response. My scanner showed fault code P2457 which points to the active air flap control system. Had my coolant topped up at the last service (127890 KM) and radiator looks clean, but the flaps seem completely stuck. Did a quick visual check this morning, the flap motor doesn't engage at startup like it should. The grille stays closed which explains the overheating. Temperature gauge keeps climbing especially in stop-and-go traffic. Guess I'll need to bite the bullet and get the actuator replaced. Good to know your fix worked out, hoping for similar results. Was the part readily available at your shop, or did they have to order it?
Thanks for the update, that P2457 code definitely confirms what we suspected. Had the exact same fault code on my Cruze when the flap motor failed. The symptoms you're describing are spot-on with what I experienced, especially that climbing temp gauge in traffic. The active air flap getting stuck closed really messes with the thermal management. The parts situation was actually pretty smooth in my case. The shop had to order the actuator assembly but it only took a couple days to arrive. One tip though, make sure they check the wiring harness connected to the flap motor while they're in there. Mine had some minor corrosion that could have caused problems again if left unchecked. Since you're at 127890 KM, it might be worth having them do a full inspection of the air intake system while they're replacing the actuator. Sometimes debris can build up around the flaps which doesn't help the situation. The fix totally solved my overheating issues, haven't seen that temp gauge climb abnormally since. Just keep an eye on your coolant level for the first few weeks after the repair, just to be safe.
Thanks for that excellent follow-up info. After hearing about your experience, I'm definitely moving forward with the actuator replacement. The matching fault code and identical symptoms make me confident we've pinpointed the issue. Smart tip about checking the wiring harness, I'll make sure to mention that to the shop. Actually just called around and found a place that can get the part by next week. They're going to do a full diagnostic scan and inspect the entire air intake system while they're at it. Makes sense given the mileage. Really hoping this fixes the overheating problem like it did for your Cruze. Getting tired of watching that temperature gauge creep up every time I hit traffic. Will definitely monitor the coolant levels after the repair as suggested. Thanks again for all the detailed advice, it's been super helpful in confirming what needs to be done.
Had almost the exact issue with my 2013 Chevy Cruze last summer. Got some experience working on cooling systems, but this one had me stumped at first. The check engine light and overheating symptoms matched perfectly, turned out to be a faulty actuator in the active grille shutter system. When the electromechanism failed, the cooling system couldn't manage engine temps properly. Workshop diagnosed it with fault codes and confirmed the grille flaps were stuck closed. Repair cost me 590 Euro with parts and labor. They replaced the entire actuator assembly. Car's been running perfect since, no more overheating issues. What fault codes is your Lova showing? Also, have you noticed if the grille flaps move at all when starting the car? This info would help confirm if you're dealing with the same problem. Worth checking your coolant level and doing a visual inspection of the radiator first, just to rule out basic cooling system issues.