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Fuel Pump Suspected Cause of Issues in 2023 Seat Tarraco: Seeking Advice & Trusted Mechanic Recommendations

Car won't start


Loss of engine power


Jerking on acceleration


Check engine light on


Unsteady engine


Longer cold start time


Engine shuts off by itself

Hey there fellow car enthusiasts. So, I've been feeling a bit of a drag with my 2023 Seat Tarraco, gasoline engine, already clocked up 191635km. The check engine light has come on, the poor thing sometimes goes kaput mid-drive, takes forever to start in cold weather and even when it does, the engine ain’t got the power it used to have. On top of this, it feels like riding a mechanical bull when accelerating. In worst cases, it won’t start at all! With the symptoms, I’m thinking it might be the fuel pump causing mischief. Anyone experienced something similar? I’m also a bit unsure about taking it to the mechanic again after a dodgy last experience. Any recommendations on how to handle this or good mechanics you've been to? Cheers!

4 comment(s)


Hey, sounds like you're having a tough go of it. I drive a 2020 Seat Ateca, quite similar to your car. Had a bit of a pickle with it a while back with the similar symptoms you're describing. It seemed to be a wee bit groggy and had trouble starting, especially in cold weather. Turns out the software values for the fuel pump were out of whack. Your hunch on the fuel pump might be right on the money. Mine went sideways as well. Had to take it to the garage, they hooked it up to a computer and found incorrect software values. It was messing with the fuel pump, making it behave erratically, causing all the trouble. It's not a minor issue per se, definitely something that needs hands of a pro. If you leave it be, your ride might end up on the fritz permanently. My advice? find a trustworthy mechanic, someone who knows his stuff, not a dodgy bloke from last time! Had it sorted at this local garage, they did a bang-up job. It’s all hunky-dory now, car runs smoother than a gravy sandwich. And remember, this isn't something to be scared of, just get it looked at, your Seat will thank you for it! Cheers!

MaggieWhite (Author)

Hey! Really appreciate your insight. It's been rather frustrating. The Seat's been with me through thick and thin, quite a bummer seeing it struggle. Your experience with the fuel pump issue sounds strikingly similar to what I'm going through. Glad to hear you've got your Ateca up and running smoothly, definitely gives me some hope. Can't recall if you shared this last time, but how much did you end up coughing up for the fuel pump fix? Since that's sorted, has anything else popped up that I should keep an eye out for? And yeah, definitely on the hunt for a less dodgy mechanic this time round! Legends!


Hey back at ya! I understand your pain, these cars are like our loyal sidekicks and it's always gut-wrenching when they aren't at their best. As for the fuel pump fix, it only set me back about 45€. They discovered that the software values for the fuel pump were all messed up and got 'em corrected. Since then, it's been running like a dream, no more problems or fits. So, it's a relatively cheap but necessary fix. I've been pretty lucky though, nothing else major has cropped up since that fuel pump mishap. Just make sure you're giving your Seat a regular health check, especially with the miles you've got on it. Hope you find a solid mechanic soon and your Tarraco starts behaving like its old self again. Best of luck!

MaggieWhite (Author)

Thanks a ton! This has been incredibly informative. I reckon I'd be spending around the same for the fix if it turns out to be a similar issue. A relief to hear that it's not that pricey. Yeah, definitely need to start being more meticulous with my car health checks! I'll keep your advice in mind for sure, seems like you've got a good handle on things. Once again, appreciate the help. I'll hopefully be able to let you know the outcome soon. Cheers!

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