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Frozen spray nozzles on Renault Avantime 2001: experiences and repair costs

Spray nozzles frozen

Hi guys, I have something annoying with my Renault Avantime, year of construction 2001, diesel with already 130033 km on the speedometer. My spray nozzles are frozen. I have the suspicion that it might be a defect in the nozzle heater? Have any of you ever had this? Approximately how much did the mechanic charge? Last time I had a lot of stress at the garage and would like to be better prepared this time. Thanks for your help!

(Translated from German)

4 comment(s)


Hello, sorry for the late reply. I drive a 1998 Renault Espace and had exactly the same problem last year. I noticed that my jet heater was no longer working as it should. After a few tests at the garage, they found that the cable connection was faulty. So it was a similar problem. This was quite annoying because it meant that the nozzle heater wasn't working and my spray nozzles were frozen. This meant that I had to face an unexpected repair. Turns out this problem isn't that uncommon, especially with older models like yours and mine. But don't worry, it's definitely something that can be dealt with. It's definitely a good idea to go to the garage prepared. Just let them know that you suspect it could be the jet heater. You can also tell them that the cable connection was the problem on a similar model. It wasn't a super serious problem, but I wouldn't take it lightly. You certainly don't want to risk any further damage. So, take it to the workshop and hopefully it's just the cable connection, like mine. Hopefully that will help you!

(Translated from German)

SiWe123 (Author)

Hey, thanks for your reply and the helpful tips on how to prepare. I can well understand how annoying such unexpected repairs can be! I'll probably make an appointment at the garage straight away and tell them about your case. Maybe you remember: how much did the repair cost you at the time? And has anything similar happened again since then, or was everything okay afterwards? I'm looking forward to your answer!

(Translated from German)


Hey, no problem, I'm always happy to help! Yes, unexpected repairs like that can be really annoying, but it's just the way it is, especially with older cars like ours. So, the repair of the broken cable connection cost me €95 at the time. I'd say that's a pretty fair price to get the car running again. And the good thing was that the problem hasn't come back since. Since this visit to the mechanic, the spray nozzle heater has been running without any problems. So it really seems to have been the cable connection. In other words, it could just be the same for you. But as I said, it's best to have it checked in detail at the workshop. I hope you're as lucky as I was and that it doesn't cost you more than €95. Keep your fingers crossed and keep us up to date here! Best regards!

(Translated from German)

SiWe123 (Author)

Hello, thank you for the quick reply and the cost breakdown. It's reassuring to hear that it was only a one-off incident for you and that everything has been fine since then. I will definitely contact the garage and then hope that it is just the cable connection on my car. At a cost of around €95, I'd actually be quite relieved if I'm honest. I'll definitely give an update as soon as I get back from the garage. Hopefully with some good news! Thanks again and see you soon!

(Translated from German)

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