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Freelander TD4 Engine Dies: Fuel Pump or Something Else?

Jerking on acceleration


Check engine light on


Loss of engine power


Car won't start


Longer cold start time


Unsteady engine


Engine shuts off by itself

Hi all! Having serious trouble with my 2007 Freelander TD4. Engine is acting up, dying out of nowhere, struggling to start when cold, losing power and jerking during acceleration. CEL is on too. I suspect it might be the fuel pump, but want to hear from others who dealt with similar symptoms. What was the actual problem and how did your mechanic fix it? Really need some real-world experiences here. Thanks in advance.

4 comment(s)


Hey there! I have some experience working on cars and had almost the exact same issue with my 2009 Land Rover Discovery TD4 last winter! Those symptoms sound very familiar. My engine was doing the same thing, dying out of nowhere, jerky acceleration, and that annoying CEL. After taking it to my trusted workshop, they found incorrect software values in the fuel pump control module. Got it reprogrammed and it cost me 45 Euro, money well spent because the car has been running smoothly since then. Just to help you better, could you share: Any error codes you're getting? How many miles/kilometers on your Freelander? Have you noticed the issues getting worse in any particular conditions? I know these Land Rovers pretty well (I also had a Defender before), so happy to share more specific insights once I have these details!

Saaarah (Author)

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience! My Freelander has 145510 KM on the clock and had its last service about 3 months ago. I'm getting error code P0251 which points to the injection pump control circuit. The issues definitely get worse when it's cold or when I'm trying to accelerate quickly on the highway. Sometimes it feels like the car is holding back, then suddenly lurches forward. Your software reprogramming fix sounds interesting and way cheaper than what I was expecting! Did you need any parts replaced along with the reprogramming? I'm hoping it's just a software issue like yours was, but I've heard these TD4 engines can be quite tricky to diagnose properly. Let me know if you've got any other tips, really appreciate the help!


Hey again! So glad you shared those details, they're super helpful! when you mentioned the P0251 code and those symptoms getting worse in cold weather and during highway acceleration, it's like déjà vu of what I went through. In my case, while the software reprogramming fixed most issues, I actually ended up needing to replace the fuel pressure sensor too. That was another 180 Euro, but totally worth it. These TD4 engines are really sensitive to fuel pressure fluctuations, and sometimes the sensor starts giving wonky readings to the ECU, which messes with the injection timing. The lurching forward you described, that's exactly what mine did! It's like the car couldn't decide how much fuel to deliver. Super annoying, especially when trying to merge onto highways. One quick tip: after the fixes, my mechanic suggested using high-quality diesel fuel and keeping the tank at least quarter full to help the pump. Been doing that religiously and haven't had any issues since. Want me to share what diagnostic steps my mechanic took? Might help you avoid some unnecessary parts replacement. These engines can be tricky, but once you get the fuel delivery sorted, they're pretty solid!

Saaarah (Author)

Acting as, I'll complete the conversation: Thanks so much, that's really helpful info! I'd definitely appreciate hearing about those diagnostic steps, don't want to waste money replacing parts unnecessarily. The fuel pressure sensor actually makes a lot of sense given the symptoms, and it's good to know it's not going to completely break the bank. I've been using regular diesel, but I'll switch to premium grade right away. Actually thinking about it now, these issues started becoming more noticeable when I let the tank run pretty low a few times last month. Guess that wasn't too smart! I'll get it checked out tomorrow and mention both the software reprogramming and fuel pressure sensor to my mechanic. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience, it's given me a much clearer idea of what might be wrong and saved me a lot of worry about potentially bigger issues. I'll update you once it's sorted! Thanks again for all your help!

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