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Transmission control unit defective

The transmission control unit manages shifting and power for efficient driving.

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Every car issue can be caused by different things. Here are the most common ones

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Most Expensive


Potential Causes

  • Spare parts
  • Work time
Moderate costs


Potential Causes

  • Spare parts
  • Work time
Moderate costs


Potential Causes

  • Spare parts
  • Work time
Cheapest case


Potential Causes

  • Spare parts
  • Work time

Attention! Critical error!

In the event of this error, it can happen that the vehicle gears cannot be shifted anymore, resulting in the vehicle coming to a stop.


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Typical consequences

If this defect is detected, it may lead to the following problems:

  • Car breaks down
  • Transmission damage
  • Failure of the general inspection (may not apply in your country)

Function of transmission control

The transmission control unit controls the automatic transmission of a vehicle by processing signals from the engine and the transmission. It uses this data and stored learning values to calculate the optimum gear and the pressure required to change gear, as well as the torque currently being transmitted. In addition, the automatic selector lever allows the driver to select the gear manually.

This selection is signaled to the EGS control unit and implemented. Gearshift paddles complement the manual gearshift lever on manually shiftable automatic transmissions, automated manual transmissions and dual-clutch transmissions. They enable gears to be shifted up and down by pulling the corresponding rocker.

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