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Charge air temperature sensor error

Measures air temperature in the charge system and sends it to the engine control unit.

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  • Spare parts
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  • Spare parts
  • Work time
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Potential Causes

  • Spare parts
  • Work time


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Typical consequences

If this defect is detected, it may lead to the following problems:

  • Engine damage
  • Failure of the exhaust emission test (Failure to pass the exhaust emission test)

Function of the charge air temperature sensor

The charge air temperature sensor, positioned between the charge air cooler and the throttle valve, measures the temperature of the charge air after cooling. The measured values are transmitted to the engine control unit to calculate the correct injection quantity for optimum combustion.

The measurement process is based on the change in resistance of the sensor, which is temperature dependent, this means a higher temperature decreases the resistance and lowers the voltage across the sensor. The ECU interprets these voltage values, which provide a direct measure of charge air temperature.

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