Ford Freestar 2007: Symptoms and suspicions regarding malfunctions in the tank ventilation system
Unsteady engine
Shaking while idling
Stalling while idling
Check engine light on
Jerking on acceleration
Loss of engine power
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
KBeck92 (Author)
Hey, no problem, that's what we're here for! It's been a while now, but after I went to the garage, the fault was actually in the tank ventilation system. It cost me 175 euros to clean the dirty hoses and all the fiddling around. A small fortune, yes, but after that, the spook was over. No more shaking, no more stuttering, runs like a kitten. So I would really advise you to get it checked by a professional before it gets any worse!
(Translated from German)
KBeck92 (Author)
Hi buddy, I had a similar problem a few months ago with my 2004 Ford Galaxy. It sounded the same, the check engine light was on and my car was shaking and stuttering just like yours. Of course I went to the garage straight away. The mechanics found that the hoses were clogged. It turned out that this problem is very serious as it can damage the engine if not fixed in time. They had to clean several parts and replace some hoses to get everything back to normal. Better get your car checked before it gets worse. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)