Ford Escape 2015: Suspected defective camshaft sensor causing engine problems
Unsteady engine
Jerking on acceleration
Car won't start
Loss of engine power
Check engine light on
Stalling while idling
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, I actually remember the cost. I had to pay €695 to repair the defective master gear on the camshaft. But I have to say, it was worth every penny. Since the visit to the mechanic, the malfunction of the camshaft sensor has been rectified and my car is running like a kitten again - no more problems. A real relief, I tell you. Greetings back!
(Translated from German)
Wow, that's a lot of money! But if that's the solution, then I guess I'll have to bite the bullet. I'm glad you were successful with it and that there were no further problems. That gives me hope! I'll make an appointment with the mechanic and hope that he's just as competent as yours was back then. Thanks for your help and advice! Take good care of yourself. Bye!
(Translated from German)
Hi, mine is a 2012 Ford Focus and I had the same problem. It was actually a faulty master gear on the camshaft. The car would twitch when accelerating and didn't idle well. Similar to yours, sometimes it just wouldn't start. The problem turned out to be serious, but nothing a good mechanic couldn't fix. After replacing the faulty master gear on the camshaft, the car ran like new again. Remember, the right diagnosis is half the battle. Don't be discouraged! All the best.
(Translated from German)