Mar 24, 2024
Fiat Panda 2011: Persistent Issues Including Black Smoke, Increased Fuel Consumption, and Hard Start
Loss of engine power
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Jerking on acceleration
Longer cold start time
Poor fuel economy
Check engine light on
Strong exhaust smell
4 comment(s)
Apr 15, 2024
Hey there, Thanks for sharing your experience with the Punto, it definitely sounds a lot like what I'm going through with my Panda. An defective injector, huh? I never would have guessed that. By the way, do you remember how much the mechanic charged you for sorting out the injector? Also, since the repair, has there been anything else that's cropped up? Do let me know. Cheers!
Apr 28, 2024
Hey Yeah, it was a bit of a shock for me too when the mechanic pinpointed it to the defective injector. As for the cost, it set me back by 515€. Might seem a bit steep but considering the hassle it was causing, it was totally worth it. And happy to report, since the visit to the mechanic, my Punto's been purring without any problems. The mixture control error you mentioned earlier, specifically, the lean mix problem, got completely sorted out with the injector fix. Since then, not a single problem has made a show. Keeping the fingers crossed though, you know how it is with cars. But so far, so good. Take care! Cheers!
May 12, 2024
Hey, I appreciate the detailed explanation - it's really insightful! A bit off-putting regarding the cost but if it gets my Panda purring again, it'll be worth every penny. It's really encouraging to hear how well your Punto's been behaving since you got the injector replaced. Here's to hoping my ordeal ends up the same way! I agree, owning a car can be quite a rollercoaster, but wouldn't give up the thrill for anything else! Thanks again for your two cents, I'll rush my old faithful to the mechanic ASAP. Take care and safe driving. Cheers!
Apr 06, 2024
Hey, I had a similar issue with my 2013 Fiat Punto not too long ago. Black smoke, sputtering acceleration, and all that jazz! Turns out, it was a defective injector. When I last took it to the garage, the mechanics explained that defective injectors can unbalance the fuel ratio and cause a series of problems that sound identical to what you're experiencing with your Panda. They had to replace the faulty injector in my Punto. Cold starts were a nightmare, constant check engine light was on, and the fuel efficiency dropped - just like you're seeing. It's a serious issue, not gonna lie, but sorting that injector out made all the difference. The car's been running like a dream since then. So, I reckon you better not ignore these symptoms and rush your old faithful to the workshop sooner rather than later. Hope that helps! Cheers.