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Fiat Marea 2000 Alarm System Issue: Potential Troubleshooting Tips Needed

Alarm system malfunctions

Hey Car Fanatics! I've got a bizarre issue going on with my 2000 Fiat Marea with a Gasoline engine (she’s run a cool 57,608km so far). The darn alarm system is giving me some trouble recently. I've been thinking it might be a faulty communication siren alarm system. I had a bad trip to my mechanic the last time, don't fancy another hell ride. Have any of you guys had similar experiences? What was your mechanic's take on this? Really appreciate your thoughts or advice on dealing with this issue. Cheers!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! Ah I feel your pain, had something similar happen with my Fiat Bravo 2003. Turns out not all devils wear red- mine came with a 'Cable connection defective' tag. The symptoms were a lot like yours, and my mechanic said it was definitely a cable issue messing with the siren alarm system. It wasn't actually a massive problem, though it took a bit to figure it out - more of an irritant, if anything. They had to check all interconnections, and eventually found a faulty alarm cable causing all this havoc - can you believe it? Not gonna lie, it was kind of a relief it wasn't part of the central system or some expensive component gone south. Fixed the glitch and my Bravo was good to go. You might want to get that checked if you're still facing this issue. Might just be a similar situation and a relatively easy fix. Hope this helps you out. Good luck!

DLustig (Author)

Hey, yikes, seems like your Fiat Marea is pulling a prank on you! I've also had a bout with a similar problem on my old Marea. It was indeed a cable causing all the tomfoolery. Wild how such a little thing can cause such a big headache, right? Anywho, you sparked some curiosity in me. If you don't mind sharing, how much did you have to fork out to deal with that pesky cable issue ? And since the fix, did anything else flared up or has your Bravo been behaving well? Cheers!


Hey! Haha, for real, who knew that tiny cable could wreak such havoc, right? After a visit to the trusty mechanic and a few tests, the culprit was pinned down - that pesky 'Cable connection defective' wannabe. Anyway, the problem was sorted and it got my Fiat Bravo back in tune - hammering out that annoying faulty communication siren alarm system had had me losing my calm. Oh, about the cost factor you asked. Didn't hit my pocket too hard. In Euro terms, it was about 155.00. Not too shabby, considering the nuisance it was causing, eh? And since the fix, it's all been smooth sailing - no gremlins popping out of anywhere, so far! Hope that eases your worry a tad! Let’s hope your Marea sets itself right without any more drama. Cheers!

DLustig (Author)

Thanks! Your stories and advice are reassuring! After reading your responses, I'm starting to suspect my Marea's got the same cable trouble - guess she wants to join the Fiat pranks club, huh? It’s kind of annoying, but good to know it's not a massive, wallet-shaking problem. And cheers for chatting about the off-putting price tag it sounds like it was well worth the relief. Glad to hear your Bravo has been behaving since! So, I'm defo setting up another appointment with my mechanic soon. Fingers crossed, the problem shows up easily and we fix the pesky cables without any repeat dramas. Thanks again, guys. Stay tuned, I'll update you when my Marea is finally on the mend. Take care. Cheers!

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