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Fiat Linea 2011 Experiencing Engine Issues and Possible Camshaft Adjustment Concerns

Valve adjustment noise


Unsteady engine


Loss of engine power


Metal shavings in oil


Weird engine noise


Check engine light on


Poor fuel economy


Jerking on acceleration

Hey fellow car enthusiasts, I've got a question about my 2011 Fiat Linea (Gas, 129K km). Lately, it's been acting up with some concerning symptoms like a lit check engine light, unsteady engine, jerking when accelerating, crap fuel economy, valve adjustment racket, odd engine sounds, and there's even metal dust in the oil. All this is giving me bad flashbacks to my last mechanic's visit. My gut tells me there’s a camshaft adjustment issue. Any of you had something similar? If so, how did your mechanic handle it? Looking for some reassurance before I return to the battlefield. Cheers!

4 comment(s)


Hey there, Your gut could be right. I had similar stuff going on with my 2014 Fiat Punto a while back. The devil was the camshaft adjustment cable/plug - indeed defective and coated in oil. Had a load of symptoms pretty much in line with what you described - unsteady engine, terrible fuel economy, you name it. Ah yes, and who can forget that godawful racket, sounded like a bag of spanners at the back of the engine. To fix it, my mechanic had to perform a camshaft adjustment replacement. It's not ideal, need to pull the engine to the side and such, but it's necessary. Not a small task and to be candid, it is a serious issue. If left unattended, it could cause even bigger problems down the line. So yeah, you might want to bring your car to the shop sooner rather than later. Sounds like a pain in the arse, but think of it as preventive maintenance, better safe than sorry, right? Good luck hope this helps! Keep us updated with the situation. Cheers!

SommerRacer (Author)

Hey there, Thanks for reaching out and sharing your experience. Really sounds like you've been through the wringer with that camshaft adjustment issue. You've reminded me that it's always better to prevent a disaster rather than dealing with its aftermath. I'm certainly getting the impression I've got the same camshaft mischief happening with my Linea. So, I'm curious, how much did you end up coughing up to fix this? Also, since the repair, has your Fiat held up alright or did something else come knocking? I'm not eager to empty my wallet but better to deal with it now than down the line when it's worse, as you've said. Here's hoping my mechanic's visit isn't as harrowing this time. Fingers crossed! Thanks again. Your insight is much appreciated. Cheers!


Hey. Good to see you're in high spirits, all things considered. Yes, dealing with the camshaft adjustment was indeed an adventure, one that I wouldn't really recommend. But you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. As for the cost, it really punched my wallet with a bill of 395€. Yeah, I know, it stings a bit, but consider it an investment for smoother driving days. Now, on the brighter side, ever since I saw my mechanic and the camshaft adjustment faulty was attended to, my Fiat has been running like a dream. No more issues thankfully, turns out it was the vengeful camshaft adjustment all along. So my advice would be to face the music now so you don't have to dance to a worse tune later. Sending you good luck vibes for your mechanic's visit! You've got this! Cheers!

SommerRacer (Author)

Hey there, I appreciate your swift reply and the good vibes. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience in such detail; it’s been enlightening. Not gonna lie, that 395€ cost does sting a bit, but considering the peace of mind and smoother drives that will follow, it does seem like a necessary expense. I'm glad your Fiat is running like a champ after that whole saga with the camshaft adjustment. That gives me hope that a fix would put my Linea back on track too, without other surprise issues cropping up. I'll brace myself and reach out to my mechanic first thing tomorrow to get on top of the issue. As you’ve said, better face the music now than dance to a worse tune later, right? I'll keep you all posted on how things go. Thanks again for your help. And, cheers to smooth drives ahead!

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