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Experiencing Black Smoke, Decreased Fuel Economy, and Stalling in '18 Fiat Fullback Diesel: Potential Fuel Pressure Issue?

Engine shuts off by itself


Poor fuel economy


Loss of engine power


Stalling while idling


Check engine light on


Jerking on acceleration


Unsteady engine


Strong exhaust smell


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration

Hey, my '18 Fiat Fullback Diesel seems to be having a rough time recently. It's racked up around 89,541 KM and lately, things are acting up. It's been smoking like a freight train upon acceleration (black smoke, not white), chugs and jerks while speeding up, and the "check engine" light is my new permanent dash decoration. The fuel economy took a dip and the exhaust smells like something died in there. The engine keeps powering down on its own, and it stalls while idling. I've got this hunch that it could be an issue with the fuel injection pressure. Has anyone else had these symptoms and found it to be the fuel pressure? Just trying to avoid another nightmare mechanic visit. Thanks in advance for your advice and sharing your experiences!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! I had a similar story on my '15 Fiat Ducato Diesel not long ago. I know your struggle, those same signs; the black smoke, jerkiness, and obnoxious exhaust smell - been there. And that "check engine" light became a steadfast companion, just like yours. Turns out, your hunch might be correct. In my case, the problem was traced back to the fuel injection system, specifically a trouble code relating to the fuel filter. Seems replacing the filter wasn't enough; we had to bleed the system of air bubbles trapped in there. It may not sound too serious, but it was messing up the fuel pressure badly causing these symptoms. The stalling and lousy fuel economy was due to uneven fuel supply, and also that rancid exhaust stench? Pure, unburned diesel. I'm not saying this is 100% your problem, but given how similar our conditions are, it won't hurt to check it out. Lucky for me, rear access to bleed the system wasn't too much of a bother. Just be sure to let a pro handle it though. Hope my experience can be of some help to you. Cheers!

MiaSchmidt19 (Author)

Hey, sounds a lot like the trouble I had with my '17 Fullback. Spot on with the fuel injection pressure issue, I reckon. Bad fuel pressure messes with your RPM and it can lead to quite some serious issues if not sorted in time. Your reply got me thinking about my mechanical mishap, and I’m curious. Do you remember what the damage to your wallet was for correcting the fuel injection problem? And, were there any other lurking monsters that lifted their ugly heads up later on? Just wanna brace myself if I'm in for a second round. Cheers!


Hey there! It's comforting that we're in the same boat, isn't it? Well, when I addressed the fuel injection pressure issue with my mechanic, it luckily seemed to straighten out most of the problems. I gotta say that it was indeed the culprit haunting my otherwise sturdy '15 Ducato Diesel! Coming to what it did to my wallet, fixing the fuel injection didn't exactly break the bank. It only set me back by a reasonable 45.00 €. They basically had to rectify the error entry that had popped up after the fuel filter change. And as luck would have it, once the pressure irregularity was handled, the other nasties you were fearing about, didn't crop up. It's like the mechanic and I managed to straighten all the rough edges in one go! Keeps the fingers crossed, ey? Hope this eases your worries a bit! Just remember - this is one of those times when seeing a pro mechanic is truly worth it. Safe driving! Cheers!

MiaSchmidt19 (Author)

Thanks a lot, guys, for sharing your stories! It's good to see my hunch about the fuel pressure was not off the mark. Gosh, what a relief to hear that fixing this issue won't necessarily burn a hole in my wallet! Your replies have indeed put me at ease. My last visit to the mechanics was such a dreadful trip; I just didn’t want to land up with a monster bill again. And good to know the lurking nasties didn't throw any surprise parties afterward; definitely hoping for the same knockout punch on my end. I'll get my Fullback to a pro mechanic asap and check out that fuel injection system. Really appreciate your suggestions and here's hoping I can return back on the road without any tiresome problems! Safe driving to you too, mates! Cheers!

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