Experiencing Battery Issues and Flickering Lights in 2021 Renault Arkana: Seeking Advice
Dim or flickering lights
Weak battery when starting the engine
4 comment(s)
Hey there! Really appreciate you sharing your experience. It's interesting that you mention the battery sensor. I hadn't even thought of that before. Sounds like this might have been the culprit in your case. Just out of curiosity, do you remember what kind of dent this repair made in your wallet? Also, has anything else popped up since the fix? Could be good to know, in case my Arkana decides to throw another curveball. Thanks a bunch!
Hey! No worries, happy to help out a fellow car enthusiast. Regarding the cost, the replacement of the faulty battery sensor set me back about 315€. Not exactly cheap, but considering it fixed the draining issue, I reckon it was worth every penny. Trust me, it's a relief not having to worry every time I fire up the engine! And since the fix, my Renault's been running like a champ, no more issues so far. Just goes to show how a small thing like a wonky battery sensor can throw a wrench in the works, right? Anyways, hope this helps with your Arkana. Fingers crossed it's an easy fix for you too!
Hey there! Thanks a ton for the details, they're really helpful. 315 € does sound a bit steep, but if it means resolving the problem and having peace of mind, then it's a fair deal. Fingers crossed my car's issue is fixed with just a sensor change and doesn't develop into something more problematic. You've really put me at ease knowing your Renault's been smooth sailing post-fix. I’ll book an appointment with the mechanic first thing tomorrow morning. I'm grateful for your insights. Cheers!
Hey, I've recently had a similar problem with my 2018 Renault Captur. My mechanic traced the issue back to the battery sensor. This little bugger can cause all sorts of problems like the ones you're describing. Apparently, the sensor's job is to tell the car's computer how much juice the battery has left. If it goes haywire, it can have you thinking your battery is draining faster than it actually is, or charge it when it doesn't need to. This can cause your battery to burn out faster, which may explain the weak start and dim lights. In my case, the fix was basically to change the faulty sensor. The whole ordeal wasn't as serious as I thought it'd be, but it's definitely something you'll want to address sooner rather than later. Poor battery regulation can lead to other issues down the line. Hope this helps, and good luck!