Error message and problems with electric seats in Mercedes B Class (model year 2011) - experience and solutions wanted
Electric seats malfunction
Fault stored
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Well, the problem always occurs, even after restarting the car. I haven't had any similar problems before. The last service was at a mileage of 196369 km, but I didn't have the problem then. I think I'll have to go to the garage and have it checked. Many thanks for your help!
(Translated from German)
Moin, well then it does seem to be a defect in the control unit, similar to my car. I can understand that you're annoyed about it, it's really not a small repair. But it seems to be the only solution if the problem persists. The best thing to do is to go to a garage that specializes in Mercedes. They can then tell you exactly whether it really is the control unit or whether the problem lies elsewhere. I hope it will be cheaper for you than for me! Maybe you can tell us how it turned out. Then at least we'll know whether it's a common problem or whether we were just unlucky. Good luck with it!
(Translated from German)
Hello, I had a similar problem with my Mercedes B Class model from 2013. In my case, the control unit was defective, which is very rare according to my garage. Although I only have a bit of experience with cars, I couldn't solve this problem myself and had to hand the car in. It cost me 1000 euros to replace the ECU and the problem has not recurred since. But of course I can't tell you if this could be the case with you, for that I would need some more information. For example, have you noticed whether the problem always occurs or only sometimes? And has the car had similar problems before? Hopefully I can help you a little further!
(Translated from German)