Erratic running and loss of power in a 2018 Ford Ecosport petrol engine
Shaking while idling
Stalling while idling
Loss of engine power
Jerking on acceleration
Unsteady engine
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Yeah, sure, I'm really glad I could help you! The repair cost me around €275. It wasn't cheap, but since the carbon filter was replaced, my old Ford Fiesta is running like a champ again. The leak in the tank ventilation system was also repaired at the same time. Nothing new has cropped up since then and the car is running really smoothly. So, although it was a bit of a hit to my wallet, it was definitely worth it. Hope this helps and good luck with your Ecosport!
(Translated from German)
Thank you so much for your quick help, that helped me a lot! I wasn't sure what to do, but now I have a clear direction. It's a small investment of course, but if the car runs smoothly again afterwards, it's definitely worth it! I'm glad you haven't had any further problems since the repair. I will take your advice and take my Ecosport to the mechanic. Thanks again for your help!
(Translated from German)
Hey, I had a similar problem with my 2015 Ford Fiesta. The same symptoms and error message strongly suggest a defective activated charcoal filter. During my last visit to the garage, the charcoal filter was completely replaced. This solved my problem and the car is running smoothly again. It wasn't a very serious fault, but it still made for a rather unpleasant drive due to the increased fuel consumption and poor performance. It's best to have your car checked, as I suspect it could really be the activated carbon filter. I would advise you to have it replaced if it is faulty. Since I've been to the garage, I've had no further problems. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)