Difficulties with the fresh air blower on Toyota Crown 2010 - experience reports wanted
Blower does not work properly
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, sure, no problem! So the fun with the blower motor cost me 365€. Since I've been to the mechanic and the problem with the fresh air blower has been fixed, my car is back to its best. I haven't noticed any other faults since then. I hope it stays that way, because I can really do without more visits to the garage.
(Translated from German)
CaroBeck (Author)
Hello, I had a similar problem with my 2007 Toyota Corolla. The blower of my heater gave up. The mechanic explained to me that the blower motor was defective. It wasn't an easy job as the entire dashboard had to be removed to get to the motor. Changing the blower motor took a bit of time, my car was in the workshop for a day. Nevertheless, I was glad to have recognized the problem early enough. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)