Cruise control error in Audi A4 from 2000: experience and solutions wanted
Fault stored
Cruise control without function
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your reply! It's good to hear that it wasn't a big problem for you. Do you happen to remember how much it cost you to have the control unit replaced? And have you had any other problems with the cruise control or the car in general since then? Looking forward to your answer! VG
(Translated from German)
Hello, I'm glad that my answer has helped! Well, it cost me €1000 to replace the control unit, which was of course a lot of money, but what can you do when it's broken? The good news is that the cruise control has been working perfectly since my visit to the mechanic. No more problems, neither with the cruise control nor with the car in general. So I think it was worth the money. Hope this helps you! Good luck!
(Translated from German)
Hello, thank you very much for the detailed answer and the cost information. It's a hefty sum, but if it solves the problem for good, I'm prepared to make the investment. Good to hear that everything has been running smoothly for you since then. I will now take my car to the garage and hope it works as well for me as it did for you. Thanks again for your help! VG
(Translated from German)
Hi, I actually had a similar problem with my 2003 Audi A6. In my case it was a defect in the control unit that affected the cruise control function. It was more of a technical problem than a serious one, but it was definitely annoying. The last time I went to the garage they replaced the control unit and since then everything has worked as expected. It's no fun, but I think you may have to look in that direction too. Good luck!
(Translated from German)