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Concerns Over Tank Flap Faults in a 2021 Hybrid Seat Tarraco with High Mileage

Check engine light on


Fault stored


Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle

Hey everyone, I'm a tad concerned about my 2021 Hybrid Seat Tarraco, which has clocked 164,668 KM. Recently, my check engine light's been on, there's this warning light on my speedometer, and a fault's been stored. Bad experience with my last mechanic visit has me stressed out. I'm kinda guessing it might be an issue with the tank flap not unlocking properly. Has anyone had a similar problem to this? How did your mechanic handle it? Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. Cheers!

4 comment(s)


Hey, Sounds like we've been in the same boat. I drive a 2017 Seat Ateca and had something similar happen to me a while back. Turned out it was a defective linkage that was causing the problem, not the tank flap. The symptoms were spot on with what you described, warning lights and all. Mechanic's remedy involved fixing the linkage. It wasn't a walk in the park, but the good fellows at the garage took care of it pretty fine. Seems like it's a common issue with vehicles covering significant mileage. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty serious thing because if unchecked, it could have led to further complications down the line. My personal advice? Have it checked out as soon as possible. Better to be safe than sorry, right? Keep me updated about how it goes. Good luck!

AnnetteDriver (Author)

Hi again, Great to hear you've been through the same similar situation, that definitely puts my mind at ease a bit! Linkage issues, eh? Not something I'd considered but if the symptoms match, it's worth having it looked at. Crazy to think what distance can do to a vehicle sometimes, right? 'Appreciate your advice, totally agree with the "better safe than sorry" sentiment! I'll book a garage visit asap. By the way, do you remember what it cost you for fixing up the linkage? And since the repair, anything else cropped up that you've noticed? Cheers for the help! Stay safe out there.


Hey there, Absolutely right, distance and usage can put a lot of wear and tear on a car. But hey, that's what mechanics are there for, right? On the dough front, fixing up the faulty linkage set me back around 210€. Not exactly loose change but worth it to avoid any further problems. And to answer your other question, since I got that all sorted out, the car's been running like a dream! Notably, the tank flap issue that I initially suspected has been functioning perfectly since I saw the mechanic. All in all, I'd say it was money well spent. But here's hoping your car issue will be a fairly easy - and hopefully wallet-friendly - fix. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Keep me posted on how everything goes at the garage. Drive safe!

AnnetteDriver (Author)

Rain check on that. It does give a sigh of relief knowing we're in shared waters. Truly, the price tag is a bit eye-watering, but I'd rather have a smooth ride than a bumpy one, right? I mean, if it's going to keep me away from further complications, then it’s worth every penny. So, I’m preparing myself for whatever it costs. Really glad to hear that your ride's been behaving well since the fix. A properly functioning vehicle does peace of mind wonders, doesn't it? I'll take your advice to heart and keep my fingers crossed for a slight dent on the wallet. Thanks for the support and wish you too a safe drive always, bro! Will keep you updated on the garage visit's outcome. Cheers!

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